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发布时间:2023-10-29 05:47:48

[单项选择]Although some old people live near their sons or daughters, ______.

更多"Although some old people live near "的相关试题:

[单项选择]Although the sport is very popular, some people are still ______.
A. expanding its equipment
B. asking for instructions
C. afraid of going down the mountainsides
D. curious about the sport
[单项选择]"Does Professor O' hare live near the downtown area" "No, he lives ______."
A. out in the suburbs
B. out in suburb
C. in the out suburbs
D. in suburb
[单项选择]Although most people who acquire West Nile have no______and those who do normally suffer little more than flu-like illness, it is believed they still can carry ______amounts of the virus in their blood for several days.
A. (A) recourse … negligible
B. (B) symptoms… minute
C. (C) cure … significant
D. (D) fever … active
E. (E) hope… incipient
[单项选择]Although many people view conflict as bad, conflict is sometimes useful ______ it forces people to test the relative merits of their attitudes and behaviors.
A. by which
B. to which
C. in that
D. so that
[单项选择]Although millions of people worldwide would see a trip into space as the fulfillment of their lifetime's dreams and would therefore ______ such an idea instantly, no action was taken by space agencies to set up adequate opportunities.
A. inscribe to
B. subscribe for
C. inscribe from
D. subscribe to
[单项选择].Although many people use the word “milk” to refer cow’s milk, _______ to milk from any animal, including human milk and goat’s milk.
A. applying it also
B. applies also
C. it also applies
D. but it also applies
[单项选择]Although his people did not()his efforts, he kept trying.
A. agree with
B. apply to
C. approve of
D. consent with
[单项选择]My family, together with some of her old friends, () there already.
A. will be
B. had been
C. have been
D. has been
[单项选择]Laura felt her children shouldn't live the old way when she was
A. pregnant
B. taking drugs
C. just out of work
D. attending university
[单项选择]Although his people did not________his efforts, he kept trying.
A. agree with
B. apply to
C. approve of
D. consent with
[单项选择]Although the false banknotes fooled many people, they did not______ to close examination.
A. look up
B. pay up
C. keep up
D. stand up


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