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发布时间:2023-10-31 00:13:16

[单项选择]You can not judge whether you have exercised too much or not by ______.
A. your breathing
B. your heart beating
C. your exercising time
D. whether you are exhausted

更多"You can not judge whether you have "的相关试题:

[单项选择]Even if you take the matter to the judge, you have no chance of winning the ______.
A. case
B. matter
C. problem
D. argument
[单项选择]If you have interest in this job, you can contact Hiroshi Nakamura except by______.
A. telephone
B. E-mail
C. fax
D. letter
[单项选择]You have made too many mistakes in your exercises. You ______ the text.
A. must have prepared
B. should have prepared
C. can have prepared
D. need have prepared
[单项选择]Before you can fly a plane in the sky you have to learn the ______ of flying it.
A. skill
B. technology
C. knowledge
D. ability
[单项选择]If you are the judge, you must ______ your personal feelings.
A. set at
B. set beside
C. set out
D. set aside
[单项选择]If you can't dig into the field you have chosen for your pursuit, it is hardly possible for you to achieve anything significant in the field().
A. acquire
B. require
C. accompany
D. accomplish
[单项选择]When you travel, you can't take too much money with you.
A. 旅游时身上可以适当带些钱。
B. 旅游时不能带太多的钱在身上。
C. 旅游时身上可以带很多钱。
D. 旅游时带在身上的钱越多越好。
[单项选择]You have worked too hard and you'd better take a holiday northward or ______.
A. however
B. whatever
C. wherever
D. whichever
[单项选择]If you can''t dig into the field you have chosen for your pursuit, it is hardly possible for you to achieve anything significant in the field().
A. acquire
B. require
C. accompany
D. accomplish
[单项选择]You can never imagine what great difficulty I have______ your house.
A. found
B. to find
C. finding
D. for finding
[单项选择]If you ______ that night, you might have been too late to get your ticket.
[单项选择]If you have any trouble, you can ______ him for help.
A. turn around
B. turn out
C. turn down
D. turn to
[单项选择]You can never imagine what great trouble I have had ______ the patient who received a serious wound.
A. treat
B. to treat
C. treating
D. treated


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