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发布时间:2023-12-19 04:27:03

[单项选择]I don't think she'll be upset. but I'll see her in case she is.
A. 我不认为她会不安,但我还是去看看她,以免她不安。
B. 我认为她不会不安,但万一她不安,我会去看她的。
C. 我认为她不会不安,但以防万一,我还是去看她一下。
D. 虽然我认为她不会不安,但我还是要去看看她,以免她不安。

更多"I don't think she'll be upset. but "的相关试题:

[单项选择]I don' t think she'll be upset, but I'll see her in case she is.
A. 我不认为她会不安,但我还是去看看她,以免她不安。
B. 我认为她不会不安,但万一她不安,我会去看她的。
C. 我认为她不会不安,但以防万一,我还是去看她一下。
D. 虽然我认为她不会不安,但我还是要去看看她,以免她不安。
[单项选择]She asked that she ______ allowed to see her son in police custody.
A. would be
B. could be
C. be
D. was
[单项选择]She asked that she ______ allowed to see her son in police custody.
A. would be
B. could be
C. be
D. was
[单项选择]She was glad to see her children well ______ in the nursery.
A. take care of
B. taken care of
C. taking care of
D. to be taken care of
[单项选择](After) she (got married), Lily (went to) see her mother (each other week).
A. After
B. got married
C. went to
D. each other week
[单项选择]She lost her when the policeman stopped her to check whether her passport was valid (有效的).
A. language
B. spirit
C. character
D. temper
[单项选择]She took her handkerchief out () her pocket.
A. from
B. of
C. in
[单项选择]Since she inherited her father's fortune, she is completely independent______ her husband.
A. from
B. on
C. of
D. with
[单项选择]She married her boss's son because she wanted a husband from a wealthy family. But she had to {{U}}bear{{/U}} her husband's bad temper.
A. live in
B. live on
C. live with
D. live up to
[单项选择]I don't think I()ll need any money but Ill bring some .
A. at last
B. in case
C. once again
D. in time
[单项选择]--Don’t you think her radio is too loud --Tell her to ______ , please.
[单项选择]I don't think I'll need any money but I'll bring some ______.
A. at last
B. in case
C. once again
D. in time
[单项选择]She did her work _____ her manager had instructed.
A. as
B. until
C. when
D. though


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