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发布时间:2023-10-05 20:52:54

[单项选择]More new machines will ______ from other countries to build the factory in my town.
A. take in
B. bring in
C. be taken in
D. be brought in

更多"More new machines will ______ from "的相关试题:

[单项选择]Children learn ()from each other than from their teachers.
A. much
B. more
C. most
[单项选择]That boys suffer more from air pollution can possibly be justified by the fact that ______.
A. the male have larger bones than the female
B. women can manufacture blood more efficiently than men
C. men usually breathe more deeply than women
D. women breathe as often as men
[单项选择]Larry took a train from New York to California______ he could see the country.
A. after
B. as
C. such that
D. so that
[单项选择]Dr Black comes from New York or Chicago, I can’t remember ______.
A. which
B. where
C. that
D. what
[单项选择]The football game comes to you ______ from New York.
A. lively
B. alive
C. live
D. living
[单项选择]Flight 19 from New York is now arriving at ______.
A. gate two
B. the gate two
C. the two gate
D. second gate
[单项选择]Our plane _____ from New York at 6:00 yesterday evening.
A. took off
B. put off
C. flew off
D. left off
[单项选择]Education in Russia and the other new countries faces especially daunting obstacles because the struggling economies of these nations often provide insufficient funds for education.
A. stunning
B. discouraging
C. concerning
D. prevailing
[单项选择]It is more reliable than other notebooks.
[单项选择]The football game comes to you __________ from New York.
A. lively
B. alive
C. live
D. living
[单项选择]Human beings make themselves different from other animals by ________.
A. having the ability to perceive danger
B. having the ability to recognize faces and places on sight
C. having a far greater memory capacity
D. having the ability to draw on past experiences
[单项选择]New York City surpassed the other Atlantic seaports in partly because it developed the best transportation links with the interior of the country().
A. part
B. partial
C. partner
D. parting


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