发布时间:2023-09-29 11:41:54

[单项选择]Why do more and more young students personally choose to learn Chinese in the United States()
A. They will have more job opportunities in the future.
B. They are more interested in the international trade.
C. They will visit China for further education.
D. They are curious about the corporate partnership.

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[单项选择]Why do workers want more money
A. Because their jobs are too boring.
B. In order to enjoy more spare time.
C. To make their jobs more interesting.
D. To demand shorter working hours.
[单项选择]Why do more and more theme parks offer large discounts off the gate price()
A. To get in line at the parks this summer.
B. To encourage more people to come to the parks.
C. To enable people to get e-tickets at home.
D. To reduce the attendance figure.
[单项选择]Why do some young couples choose the subway as the site for their wedding ceremonies
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A. always watch
B. are always watching
C. have always watched
D. have always been watching
[单项选择]You ______ television. Why not do something more active
A. always watch
B. are always watching
C. have always watched
D. have always been watching
[单项选择]You______ television. Why not do something more meaningful
A. always watch
B. are always watching
C. have always watched
D. have always been watching
[简答题]Why do we say tree diagrams are more advantageous and informative than linear structure in analyzing the constituent relationship among linguistic elements Support your statement with examples?
[单项选择]According to the passage, why do workers want more money
A. Because their jobs are too boring.
B. Because they want to enjoy more spare time.
C. Because they want to make their jobs more interesting.
D. Because they demand shorter working hours.
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[单项选择]More and more young Europeans remain single because______.
A. they are driven by an overwhelming sense of individualism
B. they have entered the work force at a much earlier age
C. they have embraced a business culture of stability
D. they are pessimistic about their economic future
[单项选择]Young Soldiers, Why They Choose to Fight is ______.
A. a book
B. a magazine
C. a news report
D. a TV program
[单项选择]In some countries more and more young people now wear _________ hair.
A. false
B. untrue
C. spare
D. unnatural
[单项选择]Why more and more people became interested in becoming computer programmers
A. Because the job is very interesting.
B. Because they can get well paid in this profession.
C. Because it takes no great efforts to learn to do it.
D. Because of the high social status of the professionals.
[单项选择]Why do companies take downsizing
A. Because this is an inevitable tide throughout the world.
B. Because incompetent employees must give their way to new competent ones.
C. Because it is a direct way to reduce cost.
D. Because those employees are too old to work efficiently.
[单项选择]Why has growing population of young people caused the changes in museums
A. Because they are better educated.
B. Because they have less spare time.
C. Because they are stronger.
D. Because there are more young people.
[单项选择]Why was young Chaplin waiting outside the back entrances of the theatres
A. Because he wanted to enjoy a play in the theatre.
B. Because he was hungry and wanted some food.
C. Because he liked to play a part in a play and thus make a living.
D. Because he wished to become a man of business.


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