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发布时间:2023-10-18 22:14:06

[单项选择]Play is usually more enjoyable than
A. a job
B. job
C. a work
D. work

更多"Play is usually more enjoyable than"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Play is usually more enjoyable than ______.
A. a job
B. job
C. a work
D. work
[单项选择]Expected noises are usually more than unexpected ones of the like magnitude.
A. vulnerable
B. controllable
C. cozy
D. tolerable
[单项选择]Twenty years ago people usually had no more than two telephones.
[单项选择]Some people find swimming (more enjoyable) than (to sit) (at) home (reading).
A. more enjoyable
B. to sit
C. at
D. reading
[单项选择]Hamburger places usually play fast background music because ______.

A. they think that will make the attendants work faster
B. they believe fast music can make people eat more
C. it shortens eating time to allow more customers coming and going
D. hamburgers will become more popular
[单项选择]Expected noises are usually more______ than unexpected ones of the like magnitude.
A. conceivable
B. controllable
C. tolerable
D. perceivable
[单项选择]Expected noises are usually more ______ than unexpected ones of the like magnitude.
A. manageable
B. controllable
C. tolerable
D. perceivable
[单项选择]Expected noises are usually more _________ than unexpected ones of the like magnitude.
A. manageable
B. controllable
C. tolerable
D. perceivable
[单项选择]The nurses in a hospital usually spend more time with the patients than the physicians.
[单项选择]His youth was more enjoyable in ______ than it had actually been when he was going through it.
A. retrospect
B. retention
C. return
D. reverse
[单项选择]I play football than baseball.
A. prefer
B. had better
C. would rather
D. like better
[单项选择]I ______ play football than play basketball.
[单项选择]Communication orally involves more than reading or talking: gesture, posture, movements may all be ______ to it.
A. intrinsic
B. coherent
C. appealing
D. submissive
[单项选择]Television advertisements do more than merely reflect dominant ideologies.
A. exactly
B. faithfully
C. repeatedly
D. simply
[单项选择]Communicating orally involves more than reading or talking: gesture, posture, movements may all be ______ to it.
A. intrinsic
B. coherent
C. appealing
D. submissive
[单项选择]The Smithsonian Institution preserves more than sixty-five million items of scientific, historical, or artistic interest, _________ winning the popular title, "attic of the nation".
A. however
B. thus
C. and
D. moreover


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