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发布时间:2023-11-24 06:46:46

[单项选择](Never before) (he had) felt himself (so) powerfully (attracted) to the scientific ideal.
A. Never before
B. he had
C. so
D. attracted

更多"(Never before) (he had) felt himsel"的相关试题:

[单项选择](Never before) (he had) felt himself (so) powerfully (attracted) to the scientific ideal.
A. Never before
B. he had
C. so
D. attracted
[单项选择]One thing he felt regret for was that he never had the ______ of hearing him play the piano.
A. occassion
B. possibility
C. opportunity
D. chance
[单项选择]He had never given a speech for so many people, so he felt ______.
A. excited
B. stupid
C. disappointed
D. nervous
[单项选择]He had never given a speech to so many people, so he felt ______.
A. excited
B. stupid
C. disappointed
D. nervous
[单项选择]He talked()he had never met me before, which made me quite embarrassed.
A. as though
B. now that
C. in case
D. only if
[单项选择]By saying that "humans have never had it so good" (Linel, Para. 2), the author means that people nowadays ______.
A. enjoy a much better life than before
B. has reached the peak of civilization
C. are more powerful in changing the earth
D. live in a world with more advanced medical science
[单项选择]Had he not been so busy taking the diamonds, he ______ the blow.
A. would feel
B. had been feeling
C. had felt
D. would have felt
[单项选择]He talked ______ he had never met me before, which made me quite embarrassed.
A. as though
B. now that
C. in case
D. only if
[单项选择]When he knew that he had passed the exam, he felt a great weight _____ off his mind.
A. taken
B. took
C. to take
D. taking
[单项选择]John had never been abroad before, ______ he found the business trip very exciting.
A. because
B. though
C. so
D. while
[单项选择] John had never been abroad before, ________ he found the business trip very exciting.
A. because
B. though
C. so
D. while
[单项选择]He said he always felt ______ when he had to make a speech in public.
A. nerve
B. nervous
C. nervously
D. nervousness
[单项选择]He had been completely exhausted but felt considerably ______ after a meal and a rest.
A. renewed
B. recreated
C. reshaped
D. refreshed
[单项选择]One of the boys in the class had a fever and he soon ______ other children.
A. infected
B. effected
C. affected
D. perfected
[单项选择]Henry Adams felt so hungry that he ordered a double ______ of fish.
A. part
B. piece
C. section
D. portion
[单项选择]______ since the night before, he felt very hungry.
[单项选择]That lazy boy went to class before he had prepared his lesson.
A. 上课之前,那个懒惰的小孩还没预习好。
B. 那个懒惰的小孩不预习就去上课。
C. 那个懒惰的小孩没有准备好课就到教室里了。
D. 在那个懒惰的小孩准备好课之前,他已经到了教室。


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