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发布时间:2023-10-13 20:49:21

[单项选择]The distinction between free morpheme and bound morpheme is whether morphemes can be other morphemes.
A. connected to
B. independent of
C. supplemented to
D. reliable on

更多"The distinction between free morphe"的相关试题:

[单项选择]The distinction between free morpheme and bound morpheme is whether morphemes can be other morphemes.
A. connected to
B. independent of
C. supplemented to
D. reliable on
[单项选择]Which of the following words contains one bound morpheme
A. Disappearance.
B. Untouchable.
C. Desirablity.
D. Physician.
[单项选择]Educational development is bound up with economic progress.
A. in accordance with
B. consistent with
C. independent of
D. closely related to

The situation is bound to deteriorate.()

A. come about
B. continue
C. become worse
D. improve
[单项选择]Which of the following about bound morpheme is NOT true
A. Bound morpheme can not occur unattached.
B. Bound morphemes are never words.
C. All the prefixes are bound morphemes.
D. Bound morphemes sometimes can be used alone.
[单项选择]Our lives are intimately bound up with theirs.
A. tensely
B. nearly
C. carefully
D. closely
[单项选择]The sense of humor is mysteriously bound up with national characteristics.
A. 这个国家的所有人都有种幽默感。
B. 这个国家的人的性格缺乏幽默感。
C. 幽默感与民族的关系密不可分。
D. 幽默感与民族有着神秘莫测的联系。
[单项选择]The lower bound for an American call option is:
[单项选择]Between WTO and GATT
A. WTO and GATT govern the international trade at the same time.
B. WTO is the pre-existence of GATT.
C. GATT is the pre-existence of WTO.
D. GATT is more effective than WTO in some aspects.
[单项选择]He knows where they are bound, and how. By crossing through the jungle on foot, you may ______ them at their next stop.
A. intervene
B. interfere
C. interrupt
D. intercept
[单项选择]In the past few years, the little land-bound country had been ______ mercilessly by financial crises.
A. deviated
B. expedited
C. decimated
D. buffeted
[单项选择]The word "bound" in line 1 is closest in meaning to______ .
A. led
B. protected
C. tied
D. strengthened


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