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发布时间:2023-11-01 07:41:40

[单项选择]How far people stand from each other while talking is closely associated with their ______ .
A. origin
B. culture
C. custom
D. nationality

更多"How far people stand from each othe"的相关试题:

[单项选择]How far people keep from each other while talking is closely associated with their
A. origin
B. culture
C. custom
D. nationality
[单项选择]How far people keep to each other while talking is closely associated with their ______ .
A. origin
B. culture
C. custom
D. nationality
[单项选择]Children learn ()from each other than from their teachers.
A. much
B. more
C. most
[单项选择]We should learn from each other, for we are weak ________ others are strong.
A. when
B. as
C. where
D. if
[单项选择]How many years have they known each other
[单项选择]They are ______ from each other by commas.
A. separated
B. divided
C. distributed
D. shared
[单项选择]He found it necessary for us______ from each other.
A. to help and learn
B. helping and learning
C. to learn and to help
D. learning and helping
[单项选择]Black and white must be______from each other, must be unable to communicate.
A. cut down
B. cut out
C. cut off
D. cut up
[单项选择]A other B. each C. fewer D. any
[单项选择]How long ______ each other when they got married
A. had they known
B. have they known
C. would they know
D. did they know
[单项选择]George enjoys talking about people's private affairs. He is a ______.
A. solicitor
B. coward
C. gossip
D. rebel
[单项选择]The number of the Representatives from each American state depends on the ______ .
A. contribution a state has made to the nation
B. population of the state
C. size of the state
D. economic power of the state
[单项选择]—How long ______ each other before they ______ married —For about a year.
A. have they known, get
B. did you know, were going to get
C. do you know, are going to get
D. had they known, got
[单项选择]What are all these people talking about
A. Reading software.
B. A reading course.
C. A good service.
D. A class program.
[单项选择]The number of the members in the House from each state ______.
A. is fixed, two from each state
B. depends on how many people the state has
C. depends on the size of the state
D. depends on the location of the state
[单项选择]They are talking about the people and the things ______ they saw on their way home.
A. which
B. that
C. those
D. who


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