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发布时间:2023-10-29 07:44:50

[单项选择]What problem do actors have with newspaper publicity
A. It never focuses on the actors who deserve it.
B. It often does more harm than good,
C. It never reports what actors have actually said.
D. It often makes mistakes when reporting facts.

更多"What problem do actors have with ne"的相关试题:

[单项选择]What advantage do home-grown vegetables have
A. They are fresher than those bought in markets.
B. They are ideal foods for people on a diet.
C. They are easy to keep in a cool area.
D. They can be frozen to increase nutrition.
[单项选择]They have no choice but to reconsider what to do in situations where there are many people involved.
A. 在有很多人参与的情况下,他们重新考虑后还是别无选择。
B. 在牵涉到很多人的情况下,他们别无选择,只得重新考虑怎么做。
C. 他们在别无选择的情况下,只得重新考虑是否让很多人都参与进来。
D. 在一些情况下,他们别无选择,只能让很多人一起重新考虑怎么做。
[单项选择]What does Susan have to do on Saturday morning
[单项选择]What have anthropologists recently found()
A. There are cultural anthropology and physical anthropology.
B. There are three steps in the progress of human beings.
C. There were more civilizations in Egypt than in parts of Asia.
D. There is a longer history of human beings than it was thought before.
[单项选择]What do Time Warner and Matsushita have in common
A. They both belong to Rupert Murdoch.
B. They are both big American media corporations.
C. They are both outlet of differing viewpoints and innovative ideas.
D. They both own several different but related media businesses.
[单项选择]Harriet says that after actors have played a particular character, they
A. may be asked to play other similar characters.
B. may become a bit like the character.
C. will never want to play the part again.
D. will never forget how to play the part.
[单项选择]Have you ever received ______ of what have happened to her
A. the word
B. words
C. word
D. the words
[单项选择]What have been done to guarantee quality education
A. Grouping schools together.
B. Connecting education with economy.
C. Upgrading some good students to colleges of higher education.
D. Putting together different subjects and research-development facilities into a dozen of colleges of higher education.
[单项选择]What have Bill Stone and his teams accomplished
A. They have explored many caves and reached the deepest cave in our planet.
B. They have sponsored the National Geographic Society to explore caves.
C. They have explored the outer space and set up funds for it.
D. They }rave explored and measured the deepest gave in Jupiter.
[单项选择]What have the two French geophysicists discovered in their research
[单项选择]What do you need to have a slideshow of your pictures
A. Video output.
B. A special cable.
C. A computer.
D. A printer.
[单项选择]What have studies found out about severe pneumonia treatment
A. No medication works in developing countries.
B. It can be effectively treated at home with oral antibiotics.
C. It can only be treated in the hospital with injectable antibiotics.
[单项选择]What have been done to control smoking in the world
A. A majority of countries have passed laws against smoking.
B. Some countries have made laws to restrict cigarette consumption.
C. Some governments in Latin America have cut down on the sales of cigarettes.
D. Many developing countries have forbidden the import of foreign cigarettes.
[单项选择]What have given mankind a new viewpoint on the earth and its neighbors in space
A. Those explorations.
B. The advance of new technologies.
C. Spacecraft studies.
D. Scientific discoveries.
[单项选择]What did President Roosevelt have to do with the United Nations
A. He established "The United Nations".
B. He was given the name "The United Nations".
C. He was a credit to "The United Nations".
D. He probably devised the name "The United Nations".
[单项选择]At the same time, after what you have said, I do not feel ______ in deciding on this matter entirely by myself.
A. justifiable
B. justificative
C. just
D. justified
[单项选择]What sort of attitude do people have when they look at classified advertisement, according to the writer
A. They are in the frame of mind to buy anything.
B. They are looking for something they need.
C. They feel lost because there are so many advertisements.
D. They feel the same as when they look at display advertisements.


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