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发布时间:2023-10-10 08:48:02

[单项选择]It didn't seem likely that he would ever keep his promise.
A. 他似乎不大可能信守诺言。
B. 看起来他似乎不大喜欢实现诺言。
C. 看起来他似乎不大可能实现诺言。
D. 他似乎不大信守诺言。

更多"It didn't seem likely that he would"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Tom didn't tell his wife that he had been fired, but he().
A. would do
B. had to
C. should have
D. might have to
[单项选择]He didn't keep on asking me the time any longer as he had had his watch ______.
A. to repair
B. repaired
C. repairing
D. repair
[单项选择]If Phillip didn't leave his office before six, he ______ back home yet.
[单项选择]______ called just now, but he didn't mention his full name.
A. Mr. Williams
B. The Mr. Williams
C. A Mr. Williams
D. That Mr. Williams
[单项选择]Jack didn't phone his mother because his mother had no phone.
[单项选择]He didn' t know I was in his office. He was too busy to ______ me.
A. pay attention to
B. notice
C. know
D. realize
[单项选择]He didn't know I was in his office. He was too busy to ______ me.
A. pay attention to
B. notice
C. know
D. realize
[单项选择]He didn't openly show his dislike of what the sergeant had done. He just sounded________.
A. with cold and short and pleasant
B. in cold and short and pleasant voice
C. cold and short and pleasant words
D. cold and short and pleasant
[单项选择]He didn’t even turn his head when I shouted at him. He ______ a deaf man.
A. is
B. should be
C. must be
D. must have been
[单项选择]The uneasiness didn't disappear until he realized a boss needn't be better at everything than his employees.
A. 这种不安没有消失,这时他看到一个老板比员工更好。
B. 他不再感到不安,老板不必事事都比员工强。
C. 他不再感到不安,他意识到老板不必事事都比员工优秀。
D. 直到他意识到老板不必事事都比员工优秀,他才不再感到不安。
[单项选择]We didn't know his telephone number; otherwise we ______ him.
A. would have called
B. must have called
C. would call
D. had call
[单项选择]He was so absorbed ______ his work that he didn't notice me entering his mom.
A. at
B. on
C. for
D. in


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