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发布时间:2023-10-03 01:35:23

[单项选择]She ______ to her teacher for coming to school late.
A. excused
B. apologized
C. pardoned
D. confessed

更多"She ______ to her teacher for comin"的相关试题:

[单项选择]She ______ to her teacher for coming to school late.
A. excused
B. apologized
C. pardoned
D. confessed
[单项选择]After her graduation from middle school, she decided to ______ her education in Pads.
A. further
B. practice
C. keep
D. remain
[单项选择]Encouraged by her school championship success, she decided that she should have proper coaching.
A. 学校冠军杯胜利得主鼓励她后,她决定她应该坐舒适的长途车前往。
B. 学校冠军杯得主鼓励她让她决定请一个好教练。
C. 受到学校冠军杯胜利的鼓舞,她决定坐舒适的长途车前往。
D. 受到学校冠军杯胜利的鼓舞,她决定请一个好教练。
[单项选择]She ______ on her way to school.I just phoned her home and no one answered me.
A. should be
B. must be
C. might have been
D. could be
[单项选择]Her first year at school away from home, she suffered {{U}}qualms{{/U}} of homesickness.
A. quakes
B. regrets
C. lapses
D. pangs
[单项选择]She lost her when the policeman stopped her to check whether her passport was valid (有效的).
A. language
B. spirit
C. character
D. temper
[单项选择]She took her handkerchief out () her pocket.
A. from
B. of
C. in
[单项选择]She is furious (of) her son's grades in school, (which) explains why Mark is jealous (of) Julia's high marks (on) the exam.
A. of
B. which
C. of
D. on
[单项选择]Since she inherited her father's fortune, she is completely independent______ her husband.
A. from
B. on
C. of
D. with
[单项选择]She married her boss's son because she wanted a husband from a wealthy family. But she had to {{U}}bear{{/U}} her husband's bad temper.
A. live in
B. live on
C. live with
D. live up to
[单项选择]Among all her faults, she thanked Heaven her enemies could not ______ her ______ prying into the affairs of other people.
A. charge... with
B. accuse... of
C. sue... for
D. indict... for
[单项选择]Despite her nerves, she walked towards her groom with no regrets about choosing such a ______ time to get married.
A. momentary
B. momentous
C. monotonous
D. monstrous
[单项选择]After her husband died, she finished raising her children, and then she ______.
A. moved to Washington, D.C.
B. spent her winters in Washington and the rest of the year visiting her children and grandchildren
C. became sick
D. helped her son to establish a college for the deaf
[单项选择]She did her work _____ her manager had instructed.
A. as
B. until
C. when
D. though
[单项选择]She told her little brother ______ her hand tightly while they were crossing the busy street.
A. hold on to
B. holding on to
C. held on to
D. to hold on to


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