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发布时间:2023-11-16 21:18:26

[单项选择]My children are looking forward to()a trip to Beijing next week.
A. make
B. be making
C. making
D. have made

更多"My children are looking forward to("的相关试题:

[单项选择]My children are looking forward to______a trip to Beijing next week.
A. make
B. be making
C. making
D. have made
[单项选择]We are looking forward toa trip to your country.
A. take
B. taking
C. be taking
D. have taken
[单项选择]Either of the children ()quite capable of looking after the baby.
A. are
B. be
C. is
D. Have been
[单项选择]All the children are getting excited and looking forward to ______ the new film and the film stars.
A. see
B. seeing
C. have seen
D. having seen
[单项选择]As I recall my plane trip around the world last July and August, I think my difficulty was the adjustment to the different ______ served with the food in the various cities we visited.
A. seasonings
B. qualities
C. grades
D. ingedients
[单项选择]We are happy that the 2008 Olympic Games ()in Beijing.
A. will be held
B. will hold
C. hold
[单项选择]One of my foreign friends is looking forward to ______ my country.
A. visit
B. visiting
C. having visited
D. be visiting
[单项选择]I hope to get my wife ______ on the next trip to Europe.
A. to have come along with me
B. to come along with me
C. coming along with me
D. with me to come along
A. (A) erudite : complacent
B. (B) officious: compliant
C. (C) obstinate : suave
D. (D) garish : gullible
E. (E) loquacious: taciturn
[单项选择]The Input Hypothesis was put forward by
A. Chomsky.
B. Sapir.
C. Krashen.
D. Hymes.
[单项选择]The author considers the explanations put forward by Van West and Adler for the causes of the Anasazi evacuation to be
A. (A) popular but suspect
B. (B) partially persuasive, but individually insufficient
C. (C) anachronistic and controversial
D. (D) premature and illogical
E. (E) ambitious but misguided

When immigrants arrived looking forward to the new opportunities and new freedom, they found danger and more hardship in a land devoid of any but the most elementary means of communication.()

A. deprived of
B. deluged with
C. diffused by
D. destitute of
[单项选择]The settlement price of a deliverable forward contract at 6 percent on a $1 million 90-day Treasury bill would be:
[单项选择]Typically, forward commitments are made with respect to all the following EXCEPT:
[单项选择]A trip to the Antarctic is reasonably safe if you take the necessary precautions.
A. within reason
B. rather
C. beyond doubt
D. doubly
[单项选择]All of our four objectives of this trip have been fulfilled,which is more than I had expected.
A. 我们此行四个目标的完成情况比我预期的要好。
B. 我们此行的目标一共有四个,比我预期的还多。
C. 我们此行总共完成了四个目标,比我预期的要多。
D. 我们此行的四个目标均已达到,比我预期的要好。
[单项选择]Having a trip abroad is certainly good for the old couple, but it remains ____ whether they will enjoy it.
A. to see
B. to be seen
C. seeing
D. seen


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