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发布时间:2023-10-22 11:23:12

[单项选择]To some extent, the Romantic Movement revealed a ______ attitude toward the social and political conditions then.
A. positive
B. negative
C. neutral
D. prejudiced

更多"To some extent, the Romantic Moveme"的相关试题:

[单项选择]To some extent, the Romantic Movement revealed a ______ attitude towards the social and political conditions then.
A. positive
B. negative
C. neutral
D. prejudiced
[单项选择]It has been revealed that some doctors have a history of abusing that trust for profit, ______ unnecessary and ineffective diet regimes to all comers.
A. delivering
B. ordering
C. advising
D. prescribing
[单项选择]To some extent, the principle of secrecy has been ______.
A. maintained
B. held
C. observed
D. implemented
[单项选择]To some extent, reading can offer you something ___________, for example, the psychological satisfaction.
A. intelligible
B. intangible
C. visible
D. perceptible
[单项选择]Although the colonists ______ to some extent with the native Americans, the Indians' influence on American culture and language was not extensive.
A. migrated
B. matched
C. mingled
D. melted
[单项选择]Though dress may be, _____ some extent, helpful in judging a person, that alone will not be sufficient.
A. for
B. to
C. in
D. by
A. (A) considerate : gesture
B. (B) disingenuous : ruse
C. (C) prophetic : messiah
D. (D) raucous : euphony
E. (E) cacophonous: sound
[单项选择]To what extent will future scientific discoveries make possible the ______ of human life span
A. increase
B. expansion
C. growth
D. prolongation
[单项选择]Some researchers have undertaken some psychological studies which prove that many children develop fears of ______ dangers.
A. imagination
B. imaginary
C. imaginable
D. imaginative
[单项选择]The Progressive Movement was()
A. an organized campaign with definite goals
B. a movement aiming at exposing the dark sides of society
C. not an organized campaign with efforts to improve people's living standard
D. a number of diverse efforts aiming at achieving political,social and economic reforms
[单项选择]After Mark Felt revealed himself to be Deep Throat, the breaking news ______ all over the globe in a second.
A. sparkled
B. flashed
C. shined
D. twinkled
[单项选择]Though a leading authority on Romantic literature, the chairperson is a speaker whose lectures on even the most exciting literary anecdotes of that time span cause students to yawn and fidget.
A. (A) grandiloquent
B. (B) self-assured
C. (C) eminent
D. (D) conscientious
E. (E) lackluster
[单项选择]The Romantic writers in the American literary history focused on all the following issues EXCEPT
A. divinity of man.
B. human bestiality.
C. noble savages.
D. Puritan beliefs.


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