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发布时间:2024-03-28 18:52:19

[单项选择]What does the writer of this passage think of the ideas of Ghoshal and Bartlett
A. Very instructive.
B. Very inspiring.
C. Hard to implement.
D. Quite a hash.

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A. It takes advantage of shop assistants.
B. It has been dreamt of by the Europeans.
C. It may not be suitable to the European society.
D. It is not applicable in times of economic difficulty.
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A. They are likely to carry them out.
B. They should not make the plans.
C. They are likely to give them up.
D. They should not change the plans.
[单项选择]What does the writer think is needed to solve our industrial problems
A. A reduction in the number of strikes.
B. Equality in salaries.
C. A more equal distribution of responsibility.
D. An improvement in moral standards.
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[单项选择]According to the passage, what responsibility does the audience of a verbal art performance have
A. ( They provide financial support for performances
B. ( They judge the quality of the content and presentation
C. ( They participate in the performance by chanting responses
D. ( They determine the length of the performance by requesting a continuation
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[单项选择]What does the writer of this passage want tell readers
A. Since human beings cannot live alone, being neighbor will be important again.
B. Machines are not good because they keep people apart.
C. Neighbors are not necessary in our time of machines.
D. Machines call replace good neighbors as they can work for people and entertain people.


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