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发布时间:2023-10-10 09:00:26

[单项选择]In his unhappiness he had come even to question his ______.
A. diversity
B. entity
C. prosperity
D. minority

更多"In his unhappiness he had come even"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Had he come earlier, he ______ my brother.
A. would meet
B. shall meet
C. shall have met
D. would have meet
[单项选择]Even when Joe was in his seventies he took part in swimming competitions, and a lot of younger people couldn't_________him.
A. keep up with
B. keep up
C. keep on
D. keep off
[单项选择]Even though he had recently gained twenty pounds, Mike continued to ______ himself by eating five can dy bars every day.
A. diverge
B. endure
C. indulge
D. instruct
[单项选择](Even though) he (had been studying) English for three years (before) he came to England, it is still difficult for him to make himself (understand).
A. Even though
B. had been studying
C. before
D. understand
[单项选择]Hardly had he finished his speech ______ the audience started cheering.
A. then
B. when
C. than
D. as
[单项选择]No sooner had he entered Harvard ______ his sister entered Yale.
A. since
B. after
C. than
D. before
[单项选择]He spoke so ______ that even his opponents were won over by his arguments.
A. bluntly
B. convincingly
C. emphatically
D. determinedly
[单项选择]He spoke so______ that even his opponents were won over by his arguments.
A. bluntly
B. convincingly
C. emphatically
D. determinedly
[单项选择]He will come to call you the moment he finishes his work.
A. 他将去拜访你,只要他结束他的工作。
B. 他一做完他的工作就会去拜访你的。
C. 他一做完他的工作就会给你打电话来的。
D. 他一做完他的工作就会来看望你的。
[单项选择]With his poor English, he even cannot get his ideas across, ______ exert any essential effect on others.
[单项选择]______ had he come back than it started to rain.
A. No sooner
B. Hardly
C. Barely
D. Scarcely
[单项选择]Had he kept an eye on the business, his firm ______ the crisis.
A. must have got through
B. would have got through
C. would get through
D. could get through
[单项选择]He had()returned to his office when he was told to see his boss again.
A. nearly
B. hardly
C. mostly
D. almost
[单项选择]He knew nothing about it ______ his friend told him.


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