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发布时间:2023-11-19 06:10:00

[单项选择]Being closer to the nature has become a favorite __________ for the increasing number of people.
A. bulletin
B. coincidence
C. pastime
D. maneuver

更多"Being closer to the nature has beco"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Scientists call on us to ______ nature and become better recyclers.
A. learn of
B. learn to
C. learn about
D. learn from
[单项选择]What has become of Pearman now
[单项选择]Curriculum vitae has become very important because ______.
A. jobs are becoming very complicated nowadays
B. other means of job application are scarce
C. there has been an increase in the number Of jobs advertised
D. there has been an increase in the number of applications with degrees
[单项选择]Why has leisure time become big business
A. Because shopping is an important leisure time activity.
B. Because spending a day at a giant mall has become a fashion.
C. Because visiting a museum is a popular leisure time activity.
D. Because enormous amounts of money are spent on leisure time activities.
[单项选择]A company being analyzed has net income of $ 97, liabilities of $ 600, preferred equity of $ 30, total shareholder equity of $ 700, interest expense of $ 48, and preferred dividends of $1.80. What is the return on common equity()
A. 7.00%.
B. 14.21%.
C. 10.18%.
[单项选择]Utilizing clean energy has become a worldwide trend and is vital to China's sustainable development.
A. 利用清洁能源是一种时尚,对中国的可持续发展也很重要。
B. 利用清洁能源不仅是一种趋势,也关系到中国的可持续发展。
C. 利用清洁能源已成为全世界的一种趋势,并且对中国的可持续发展也至关重要。
D. 利用清洁能源已成为一种趋势,将威胁到中国的可持续发展。
[单项选择]Telecommuting has become main style of working.
[单项选择]The curriculum vitae has become such an important document because______.
A. there has been an increase in the number of jobs advertised
B. there has been an increase in the number of applicants with degrees
C. jobs are becoming much more complicated nowadays
D. the other processes of applying for jobs are more complicated
[单项选择]The question has become increasingly urgent to be solved what is the proper balance between the culture heritage and the globalization.
A. 如何在保护本国文化遗产与全球化之间取得合理的平衡,这个问题变得越来越亟待解决。
B. 关于本国文化遗产与全球化之间取得合理的平衡,变得更加迫切需要解决。
C. 问题变得越来越多,越来越急于解决,例如什么是文化遗产与全球化之间的平衡问题。
D. 这个问题变得越来越急于解决,什么是文化遗产与全球化之间的平衡问题。
[单项选择]Finding out about these universities has become easy for anyone with Internet ______
A. entrance
B. admission
C. access
D. entry
[单项选择]Textile business has become more and more difficult( )the competition grew.
A. as
B. befor
C. since
D. after
[单项选择]Why has traveling in Europe become easier compared to five years ago
[单项选择]Modern medicine has become a more exciting field of study as a result of the two recent changes.
A. 现代医学成为一个更令人振奋的研究领域的结果就是最近两个变化的发生。
B. 现代医学使整个研究领域更为令人振奋。并同时引发了最近的两个变化。
C. 由于最近发生的两个变化,现代医学使整个研究领域都更为令人振奋。
D. 最近的两个变化使现代医学成为一个更令人振奋的研究领域。
[单项选择]Drunken driving has become a major problem in America because ______.
A. most Americans are heavy drinkers
B. Americans are now less shocked by road accident
C. accident attract too much publicity
D. drinking is a socially accepted habit in America
[单项选择]The generation gap has become wider than before because of ______.
A. the increasing dependence of children on parents
B. the influence of traditional culture on children
C. the rapid changes of modem society
D. the missing of lifelong occupation


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