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发布时间:2023-12-15 03:25:17

[单项选择]Many elephants were known to have perished of their wounds when there were no nature reserves.
A. died
B. treated
C. survived
D. neglected

更多"Many elephants were known to have p"的相关试题:

[单项选择]All languages, whether civilized or not, have their own ______.
A. ways to transfer ideas
B. forms to satisfy needs
C. abilities to answer description
D. systems to expand vocabulary
[单项选择]How many years have they known each other
[单项选择]In many cultures people who were thought to have the ability to ______ dreams were likely to be highly respected.
A. interpret
B. intervene
C. inherit
D. impart
[单项选择]From early October,about_____people have lost their jobs in utility sector.
A. 800
B. 160,000
C. 1300
D. 2100
[单项选择]It is well-known that the more old people use their brains, the more mentally active they will be.
A. 这件事传开了,老人越多用脑,智力就越灵活。
B. 大家知道了,老人更多动脑,主动性更强。
C. 众所周知,老人用脑越多,智力就越活跃。
D. 众所周知,老人用脑越多,智力会更活跃。
[单项选择]Many Beijingers have already learned enough English to ______ a conversation with an English speaker.
A. go on
B. carry on
C. get off
D. get over
[单项选择]Many cities have restricted smoking in public places.
A. limited
B. allowed
C. stopped
D. kept
[单项选择]Many schools have bought computers for their students because of ______.
A. their wide variety
B. their wide use
C. the free choice of computers
D. the free choice of educational programs
[单项选择]How many dictionaries have been quoted which give the definition of Censorship only in this article
A. 6.
B. 5.
C. 4.
D. 3.
[单项选择]Many apartments have doors with a security window so that one may ________ outside and observe visitors without being seen.
A. peer
B. peek
C. peel
D. pile
[单项选择]Although many modifications have been made in it, the game known in the United States as football can be traced directly to the English game of rugby.
A. rules
B. changes
C. demands
D. leagues
[单项选择]According to the passage, how many Americans have little or no education
A. Two percent of the people in the country.
B. Children under the age of 16.
C. The students who have to work.
D. One third of the population.
[单项选择]——How many elephants have you seen ——.
A. None
B. Nothing
C. No one
D. No
[单项选择]So many children have bought the balloons that the store is now out of ______ .
A. stuff
B. material
C. stock
D. staff
[单项选择]How many years have passed when Athens again holds the Olympic Games
[单项选择]How many novels have been published during the lifetime of William Faulkner
A. 14.
B. 100.
C. 19.
D. Not be mentioned.


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