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发布时间:2023-10-10 01:24:17

[单项选择]One of the most incredible characteristics of the hero of a thriller is ______.
A. his exciting life
B. his amazing toughness
C. the way he deals with enemies
D. his ability to escape from dangerous situations

更多"One of the most incredible characte"的相关试题:

[单项选择]One of the most incredible characteristics of the hero of a thriller is______.
A. his exciting life
B. his amazing toughness
C. the way he deals with enemies
D. his ability to escape from dangerous situations
[多项选择]Which two characteristics are most typical of a SAN? ()
A. NICs are used for network connectivity.
B. Servers request specific blocks of data.
C. Storage devices are directly connected to servers.
D. A fabric is used as the hardware for connecting servers to storage devices.
E. The TCO is higher because of the cost of director class storage switches.
[单项选择]One of the most important characteristics of OSPF is Multiple areas. Which statement best describes why this feature is such an important enhancement to earlier routing protocols?()
A. The network domain, when divided into areas, allows for the use of both IANA classful addressing and private addressing.
B. The use of multiple areas allows for the use of prioritization.
C. All computation is kept within the area, with minimum communication between the areas,allowing the network to scale to  larger sizes.
D. It is easier to implement security.
[单项选择]The most prominent characteristics of handwriting are {{U}}undoubtedly{{/U}} letter formation and slant.
A. presumably
B. in many cases
C. surely
D. without bias
[判断题]The most obvious characteristics of the Communicative Approach is that almost everything that is done is done with a communicative intent.()
[单项选择]Which one of the following characteristics is true regarding the use of hubs and switches?()
A. Hubs can have their ports be configured with VLANs
B. Using hubs is costly with regard to bandwidth availability.
C. Switches can not forward broadcasts.
D. Switches are more efficient than hubs in processing frames.
E. Switches increase the number of collision domains in the network.
[单项选择]One of the characteristics that have made Mark Twain a major literary figure in the 19th century America is his use of ______.
A. vernacular
B. interior monologue
C. unique point of angle
D. photographic description
[单项选择]One of the main characteristics of the good language learner is the high ____________ in study.
A. proficiency
B. efficiency
C. sufficiency
D. deficiency
[单项选择]What is the most important one among the realities listed in the passage
A. New vulnerabilities will be introduced into your environment every day.
B. The manager educates employees about properly configuring firewalls and intrusion detection systems for their PCs.
C. Managers have more responsibility than ever.
D. Security managers are asked to support increasing degrees of network availability and access.
[单项选择]One of the prominent characteristics of a law is ______.
[单项选择]Mobility is one of the characteristics often______ executives, and they must accustom themselves to moving quite regularly.
A. demanded of
B. asked for
C. expected from
D. called for

Adolescence tends to be the most important for one's world outlook.()

A. the growing period after childhood
B. the period of maturity
C. the period of babyhood
D. the period of old age
[单项选择]The paragraph following this one would most likely deal with ______.
A. why some people can hear better than others
B. what can be done to help the hearing impaired
C. how this new auditory test is conducted
D. which hearing problems are the most severe
[单项选择]Columbus had accomplished one of the most amazing and courageous________in history.
A. performance
B. feats
C. events
D. acts


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