发布时间:2024-01-11 04:04:51

[单项选择]Wife: Did you eat all the muffins Husband: ______.

更多"Wife: Did you eat all the muffins H"的相关试题:

[单项选择]If you want to feel full before you eat, you can ______.
A. eat some fruit or vegetables
B. drink a large glass of water
C. eat some chocolate or hard candies
D. drink some coffee or clear soup
[单项选择]Did you hear someone ______in the next room all last night
A. moving about
B. moving along
C. moving off
D. moving on
[单项选择]—How much of his speech did you think you understood —______ I wish I had worked harder.
A. Not a little
B. Very few
C. Nearly everything
D. Almost nothing
[单项选择]How did you go to Madrid
[单项选择]When did you()see John
A. last
B. lastly
C. late
D. lately
[单项选择]"Did you go to Belgium last year when you were on a business trip to Europe " "No,________there."
[单项选择]—How much of his lecture did you think you understand —______I wish I had worked harder.
A. Nearly everything.
B. Almost nothing.
C. Not a little.
D. Very few.
[单项选择]How often do you eat out ______ , but usually once a week.
A. Have no idea
B. It depends
C. As usual
D. Generally speaking
[单项选择]—Did you say you like the film TITANIC —______, I said it's not bad.
[单项选择]Did you have any difficulty getting this work done
A. 在完成这个工作的过程中你是否遇到了困难
B. 你完成这个工作有什么困难吗
C. 你有困难但还是要让这个工作做成了吗
D. 得到这个工作做起来有困难吗
[单项选择]Did you use to () when you were a girl
A. enjoy playing
B. enjoy play house
C. enjoying to play house
D. enjoying play house
[单项选择]Did you see her off the day before yesterday     No, but I wish I ____.
A. were
B. did
C. had
D. would
[单项选择]—Did you remember to give Mary the money you owed her —Yes. I gave it to her ______ I saw her.
A. while
B. the moment
C. suddenly
D. once
[单项选择]Did you get any _______ when you are dismissed from your job
A. fund
B. loan
C. bonus
D. compensation
[单项选择]When did you get ______
[单项选择]Did you smell something ______
A. burns
B. burning
C. burn
D. burnt
[单项选择]--Did you see the terrible accident yesterday morning Yes, but I wish I ______.
[单项选择]The more fruit and vegetables you eat, ______chance of getting cancer you have.
A. little
B. less
C. the less
D. the least
[单项选择]Woman: Did you watch our Professor Stiller on TV last night Man: I almost missed it! But my mother just happened to be watching at home and gave me a call. Question: What does the man mean
A. He watched the television program with his mother.
B. His mother told him his professor was on television.
C. Answering the phone caused him to miss the television program.
D. His mother missed the television program.


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