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发布时间:2024-03-29 18:28:32

[单项选择]Many hands make light work. ______ , with united effort the task is easily accomplished.
A. In other words
B. In a word
C. In word
D. Without many words

更多"Many hands make light work. ______ "的相关试题:

[单项选择]Many hands make light work. ______ , with united effort the task is easily accomplished.
A. In other words
B. In a word
C. In word
D. Without many words
[单项选择]______ the passage of light, many new plastics are processed using technologies rivaling those used in the manufacture of computer chips.
A. For the better of
B. Permitting better
C. To better permit
D. It is better for
[单项选择]On January 1st many people make a New Year _______.
A. intention
B. determination
C. dedication
D. resolution
[单项选择]It is important to make as many enquiries as possible in the conversation and try to _____ the nationality and any accent of the informer.
A. detect
B. find
C. search
D. ask
[单项选择]Many local authorities realize the need to make ______ for elderly people in their housing programmes.
A. assistance
B. condition
C. admittance
D. provision
[单项选择]A season ticket ______ the holder to make as many journeys as he wished within the stated period of time.
A. grants
B. promises
C. entitles
D. presents
[单项选择]Many old houses have been ______ to make way for a new shopping centre.
A. held down
B. kept down
C. pulled down
D. turned down
[单项选择]Martin has created enough memorable ()to make it easy to forgive his lows.
A. youngsters
B. nobles
C. highs
D. miserables
[单项选择]How many equal valuable relation does set E process E= {0,1,2}
A. 3
B. 4
C. 5
D. 6
[单项选择]Although he had been many times given the caveat emptor, Feldman purchased paintings and ------- in quantity, often without ------- them first.
A. (A) baubles … rejecting
B. (B) supplies … appraising
C. (C) antiques … examining
D. (D) collectibles … shipping
E. (E) trinkets … criticizing
[单项选择]There are just as many protons in the nucleus as electrons______ around it.
A. revolving
B. spinning
C. rotating
D. spiraling
[单项选择]Unlike most Europeans, many Americans()bacon and eggs for breakfast every day.
A. used to eating
B. are used to eating
C. are used to eat
D. used to eat
[单项选择]You may make good grades by studying only before examinations, but you will succeed eventually only by studying hard every day.
A. in due course
B. in the long run
C. in the main
D. in the first place
[单项选择]Dr. Nolen was (honest enough) to admit (to make) errors (in) judgment (on) more than one occasion.
A. honest enough
B. to make
C. in
D. on
[单项选择]Many parents now remember the teacher's E-mail address and the school's website because ______.


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