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发布时间:2023-10-25 04:16:15

[单项选择]She is an excellent teacher who has taught in four schools, ______ she taught, her principals had a high opinion of her.
A. Wherever
B. Everywhere
C. Inasmuch as
D. In such schools that

更多"She is an excellent teacher who has"的相关试题:

[单项选择]She is a woman of fairness and ______ who has never abandoned her principles for the sake of making money.
A. sentiment
B. sensation
C. integrity
D. temperament
[单项选择]Last year, she earned ______ hell husband, who has a better position.
A. three times as much as
B. three times more than
C. three times as many as
D. three times as more as
[单项选择]A client who has stress incontinence has been given a pamphlet that describes Kegel exercises. Which of the following statements indicates that the client has understood the instructions in the pamphlet
A. "It will probably take a year before the exercises are effective. "
B. "I should perform these exercises every evening. "
C. "I can do these exercises sitting up, lying down, or standing. "
D. "I need to tighten my abdominal muscles to do these exercises correctly. "
[单项选择]Who has a nice breakfast

Passage Four NED KELLY has been described as "one of the most romantic figures in Australian history" and as "the father of our national courage". Yet he was a criminal. He shot and killed policemen. He kept ordinary Australians hostage. He was a thief. Why was he considered a hero and why is he still revered today, more than 100 years after his death It is a national mystery. He is and was a controversial figure. His whole family was on the wrong side of the law. His parents were sent to Australia on a convict ship for committing petty crimes. Ned’s criminal career began at a young age in country Victoria. In 1874 he was jailed for stealing a horse. Ellen Kelly, his mother, was jailed in 1878 for wounding a policeman. Also in 1878 Ned and his younger brother Dan were falsely accused of attacking a wounded policeman. Both men fled to the bush where the "Kelly Gang" was formed. For sixteen months they eluded police,, committing robberies
A. he committed so many crimes
B. some people think he is a hero and others think he is a criminal
C. he killed policemen
D. he is a criminal but he is coward

[单项选择]She ought (to) (stopping work); She (has a headache) because she has been reading (too) long.
A. to
B. stopping work
C. has a headache
D. too
[单项选择](No matter what) (tiring) a day she (has had), she (never loses) her good humour.
A. No matter what
B. tiring
C. has had
D. never loses
[单项选择]An employee who has finished the task efficiently and effectively will be given __________ over one who has not.
A. priority
B. privilege
C. publicity
D. privacy
[单项选择]Who has the final words on the agreement

A. The Russian Parliament.
B. The Russian President.
C. The Ukraine Parliament.
D. The Ukraine President,
[单项选择]Who has founded the activity of extreme ironing
A. A Canadian engineer.
B. Inga Kosak.
C. Shelagh Creagh.
D. Phil Shaw.
[单项选择]The studies show that the driver who has consumed an amount of alcohol within the limit is______ likely to have an automobile accident than the driver who does not take any alcohol.

A. not so
B. not much
C. no less
D. no more
[单项选择]Who has foreseen the commercial value of the cocoa beans concoction in Europe
A. King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella in Spain.
B. Hernando Cortez, the great Spanish explorer.
C. Emperor Montezuma.
D. The Aztec Indians.
[单项选择]Anyone who has spent some time with children must be aware of the difference in the way boys and girls respond to ______ situations.
A. same
B. alike
C. similar
D. likely
[单项选择]A client who has recently had surgery for prostate cancer expresses to the nurse feelings of anger toward God, his church, and the clergy. Which intervention isn't appropriate for this client


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