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发布时间:2023-10-25 02:32:44

[单项选择]So heavy ______ that we were prevented from going out.
A. the rain was
B. is the rain
C. was the rain
D. would the rain be

更多"So heavy ______ that we were preven"的相关试题:

[单项选择]So heavy ______ that we were prevented from going out.
A. the rain was
B. is the rain
C. was the rain
D. would the rain be
[单项选择]No more messages were heard so that we began to worry if George was dead.
A. 再也没有得到乔治的消息,我们开始担心他是不是死了。
B. 没听到乔治更多的消息,如果他死了,我们会很担心的。
C. 我们担心如果乔治死了,就再也得不到消息了。
D. 没有听到让我们担心乔治安危的消息。
[单项选择]We hadn’t expected a power cut so we were astonished when the whole house was ________ into darkness.
A. dived
B. plunged
C. drowned
D. dropped
[单项选择]All the hotels in the town were full up, so we stayed in a ______ village.
[单项选择]It was not a grand occasion, so we were allowed to wear _____ clothes.
A. formal
B. causal
C. simple
D. plain
[单项选择]When we got to the station, we were so sorry to find that the train was ______.
A. taking up
B. pulling away
C. taking off
D. pulling out
[单项选择]He is going to pick up his parents, so we ______ with him.
[单项选择]Your work has been ______, so we're going to give you a raise in salary.
A. regular
B. satisfied
C. satisfactory
D. satisfying
[单项选择]The conversation was so interesting that we were ______ of the lateness of the hour.
A. generous
B. credulous
C. gorgeous
D. oblivious
[单项选择]We were told that we should follow the main road ______ we reached the central railway station.
A. whenever
B. until
C. while
D. wherever
[单项选择]Everything with me is going well; so please do not be anxious on my account, ______.
A. beloved
B. lovely
C. lovable
D. loving
[单项选择]We were told that we could not swim until ______ came in because the sea was too far out.
A. Water
B. current
C. flood
D. tide
[单项选择]When Graham didn't come home from school, we were very worded about him. But fortunately he came to no ______.
A. injury
B. hurt
C. harm
D. damage
[单项选择]We know from the text that those who are going to Japan will______.
A. teach English only in Osaka
B. receive a degree from a university
C. have free accommodation
D. get trained for the job


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