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发布时间:2023-12-14 22:30:42

[单项选择]The best solution to the problem can only be found by a process of trail and
A. mistake
B. error
C. success
D. experiment

更多"The best solution to the problem ca"的相关试题:

[单项选择]The best solution to the problem can only be found by a process of trial and ______.
A. error
B. mistake
C. success
D. experiment
[单项选择]The only solution to rubbish problem for a nation which now spends more on wrapping food than it pays farmers to produce it, is recovering______the packaging materials for commer cial as well as for conservation reasons.
A. on sale
B. on the spot
C. on a large scale
D. on all sides
[单项选择]The best solution to the problem of the spread of bird flu is ______.
A. to kill all the birds in an area where bird flu has been discovered
B. to kill all the chickens
C. to kill all the birds
D. to kill all the chickens when bird flu has been discovered
[单项选择]The solution to the problem is to introduce money into the economy and have all prices quoted ______ units of that money.
A. in the light of
B. in accordance with
C. in terms of
D. in
[单项选择]It is implied that the solution to noise problem may be______.
A. money-consuming
B. not existing
C. time-consuming
D. better planning
[单项选择]When implementing a solution to a problem, which of the following is the BEST course of action to take?()
A. Replace all components simultaneously to ensure that the system is functional.
B. Replace all hardware associated with the problem first to eliminate the possibility of hardware and move onto software
C. Purchase new parts for the system to confirm that they function.
D. Implement one change at a time, reversing the change if it has not resolved the problem.
[单项选择]Thoreau's solution to the problem of living was to ______.
A. write for a living
B. make other man work for him
C. live in a simple way
D. study nature
[单项选择]One solution to major security problem is(),which are frequently installed to fix known security holes.
A. patches
B. compensations
C. complements
D. additions
[单项选择]If you get unwanted e-mails, the best you can do is to ______.
A. make a list of them
B. put them into "cc" lists
C. send them to a special address
D. delete them from different lists
[单项选择]One solution to the world's food shortage problem could be found in ______.

A. foods from non-food materials
B. foods in plastic tubes
C. freeze-dried foods
D. eatable food packages
[单项选择]The solution cannot be determined _____the problem is identified.
A. (A) if
B. (B) when
C. (C) until
D. (D) which
[单项选择]The author's solution to the drug problem is______.
A. to make all drugs extremely costly
B. to put honest warnings on all drug labels
C. to make the buying and selling of all drugs illegal
D. to tell people the dangerous effects of drugs on health
[单项选择]We must find a solution ______ this problem by the end of this month.
A. for
B. at
C. to
D. with
[单项选择]The best thing you can do for your interviewers is to make his/her job easier.
A. 在面试时,你能为考官所做的最好的事就是使他或她的工作变得更轻松。
B. 面试时你最好请考官让你做点容易的事情,这样他或她的工作就会轻松多了。
C. 面试时你得为考官做点儿容易的事情,这几乎是你能做到的最好的事情。
D. 你最好能做到考官在面试时使他或她的工作变得轻松。
[单项选择]Even the best medical treatment can not cure all the disease that ______ men and women.
A. beseech
B. beset
C. bewitch
D. bestow
[单项选择]Which of the following is a best practice that can be used to ensure consistency when building systems?()
A. Server build checklist
B. Server baselining tools
C. Architecture diagrams
D. Hardware compatibility list
[单项选择]A special part of the street where only bikes can go ______
A. is tallied a bus lane
B. is called a bicycle lane
C. is called a none-bus lane
D. is called a truck lane


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