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发布时间:2023-10-02 15:03:30

[单项选择]When I went in, he was lying on the floor ______ at the ceiling.
A. to stare
B. stared
C. was staring
D. staring

更多"When I went in, he was lying on the"的相关试题:

[单项选择]When he went out, he would wear sunglasses ______nobody would recognize him.
A. so that
B. now that
C. as though
D. in case
[单项选择]What impressed the author most when he went to watch the lions in the Gir Forest
A. The lions were on the brink of extinction.
B. They were suffering from a fatal disease.
C. They allowed him to see their vitality and charm at close quarters.
D. Mother lion and her cub shared a deer.
[单项选择]When will he come again When he______, I'll let you know.
[单项选择]When he went to the airport for the ticket, Tom suddenly realized that his passport had ______ for half a year.
A. abolished
B. expired
C. amended
D. constrained
[单项选择]When he went in and out of file office, the reporter was ______.
A. told to pass
B. ignored
C. looked at strangely
D. searched
[单项选择]—When will he come again —When he ______, I'll let you know.
[单项选择]He has a ______ habit of biting his lips when he is puzzled.
A. peculiar
B. special
C. specific
D. particular
[单项选择]Father didn' t tell me when he. I'll telephone you as soon as he ______.
[单项选择]When I went to visit Mrs. Smith last week, I was told she ______ two days before.
A. has left
B. was leaving
C. would leave
D. had left
[单项选择]I don't know when he ______ back. When he comes back, please let me know.
A. would come
B. comes
C. will come
D. is coming
[单项选择]When Mike went out of the barber's shop, he was not happy because ______. A. the barber hadn't cut his hair well B. the barber hadn't cut his hair at all C. the barber had cut his hair carefully
[单项选择]I did not lose temper when he told me that he wanted to run away from home; instead, I tried to ______ with him.
A. deal
B. discuss
C. reason
D. sense
[单项选择]He didn' t give up hope when his firm went bankrupt. Instead, he ______ everything from the start.
A. addressed himself to do
B. addressed him to do
C. addressed himself to doing
D. addressed him into doing
[单项选择]Scarcely had I went home ______ he went out.
A. when
B. than
C. while
D. as
[单项选择]She pretended _______ me when I went by.
A. not to see
B. to not see
C. not seeing
D. having not seen
[单项选择]When he opened his eyes, he found himself ______ in the hospital.
[单项选择]When he came to himself, he found himself ______ in bed.
A. lie
B. lay
C. laid
D. lying
[单项选择]He flew into a {{U}}fury{{/U}} when I said I couldn't help him any more.
A. anger
B. pool
C. boat
D. crowd


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