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发布时间:2024-03-29 21:03:08

[单项选择]The house ______ I grew up has been taken down and replaced by an office building.
A. in it
B. in what
C. in that
D. in which

更多"The house ______ I grew up has been"的相关试题:

[单项选择]he house()I grew up has been taken down and replaced by an office building。
A. in it
B. in what
C. in that
D. in which
[单项选择]The fishing boat that has been tied up at the pier for three days ______ finally on its way this morning.
A. was
B. were
C. is
D. are
[单项选择] The server host1 has been set up as a backup system with the following /etc/exports./backups -rw. How can a second server regularly use this disk space?()
A. /usr/sbin/mkfs -s 8G -o nbpi=2048,frag=512 /dev/lv00 -b -l host1
B. /usr/sbin/crnfsmnt -d /backups -l /backups host1 -R -X -v -S -b bg
C. /usr/sbin/mknfsmnt -f /backups -d /backups -h host1 -a -S -t rw -w bg -g
D. /usr/sbin/crfs -v nfs -g vg1 -A yes -p rw -m /backups -a logname=/dev/lv00
[单项选择]The custom has been passed down since the 19th century.
A. 这名顾客自从19世纪就死了。
B. 这种风俗从19世纪以来一直流传到现在。
C. 这种风俗是从19世纪流传过来的。
D. 海关制度从19世纪以来一直流传到现在。
[单项选择] Up to now, the work has been easy.
A. So
B. So long
C. So that
D. So far
[单项选择]A modern city has been set up in ______ was a wasteland ten years ago.
A. what
B. which
C. that
D. where
[单项选择]______ progress has been made in cutting down the mortality rate in China.

A. Rapid
B. Slow
C. Little
D. Negative
[单项选择]_______ center has been set up to give ________ on scientific farming for the nearby farmers.
A. Information; advice
B. An information; advice
C. An information; advices
D. Information; advices
[单项选择]In ancient times empires and civilizations grew up near ______.
A. nature
B. dams
C. rivers
D. buildings
A. backup 30 60
B. backup delay 30 60
C. backup delay 60 30
D. backup delay enable-delay 30 disable-delay 60
A. standby timer 30 60
B. standby timer 60 30
C. standby timer enable-delay 60 disable-delay 30
D. standby timer enable-delay 30 disable-delay 60
[单项选择]A research center has been {{U}}set up{{/U}} in this country.
A. praised
B. established
C. reformed
D. criticized


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