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发布时间:2023-12-08 01:28:00

[单项选择]The first American president elected from the Republican Party was ______.
A. Thomas Jefferson
B. James Monroe
C. James Madison
D. Abraham Lincoln

更多"The first American president electe"的相关试题:

[单项选择]The only American president elected for a third term is ____________.
A. George Washington
B. Abraham Lincoln
C. Franklin Roosevelt
D. Ronald Reagan
[单项选择]The first American President to live in the White House was______.
A. George Washington
B. John Adams
C. Thomas Jefferson
D. Abraham Lincoln
[单项选择]Which American president witnessed the disintegration of the Soviet Union and the Westernization of East European countries
A. Carter.
B. Reagan.
C. Bush.
D. Clinton.
[单项选择]Before he became American president, John Kennedy ______.
A. kept a record of events in the Navy
B. was the owner of a newspaper
C. was three times elected to the House of Representatives
D. studied law in the university
[单项选择] The President during the American Civil War was______.
A. Andrew Jackson.
B. Abraham Lincoln.
C. Thomas Jefferson.
D. George Washington.
[单项选择]Which American president was at the same time period with Martin Luther King Jr.
A. John Kennedy
B. Abraham Lincoln
C. George Washington
D. Ronald Reagan
[单项选择]The American President usually takes an oath of office, administered by the ______ of the United States in January.
A. Chief Justice
B. House Speaker
C. Secretary of State
D. Senate Majority Leader
[单项选择]In 1932, American President Franklin D. Roosevelt promised a "______" to get America out of the depression.
A. laissez faire
B. New Deal
C. more investment
D. reduce expense
[单项选择]______ is the American president during The Great DePression who proposed New Deal.
A. Herbert Hoover
B. Woodrow Wilson
C. Franklin D. Roosevelt
D. Abraham Lincoln
[单项选择]Mandela was ______ first President elected in ______ South Africa.
A. a; the
B. the; x
C. a; x
D. the; the
[单项选择]We can see from the first paragraph that the first Labor Day march ______.
A. immediately won nationwide support
B. involved workers from 30 states
C. was opposed by many factory owners
D. was organized by the UBCJ


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