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发布时间:2024-01-05 02:10:54

[单项选择]A person who is good at critical thinking is______.
A. a good critical thinker
B. good at arguments
C. skilled at projects
D. unlikely to deceive people

更多"A person who is good at critical th"的相关试题:

[单项选择]To help students develop their critical thinking, professors mainly teach them ______.
A. choice of their premises
B. the way to think independently
C. skills of drawing conclusions
D. different kinds of arguments
[单项选择]According to Paul, critical thinking education encourages ______.
[单项选择]The person who does not pay for a public good ().
A. keeps himself from using its benefits
B. cannot enjoy its benefits at any time
C. fails to keep its benefits from being used
D. enjoy its benefits all the same
[单项选择]A ______ person is one who is good at a number of different things.
A. vigorous
B. variable
C. versatile
D. vicious
[单项选择]The person who is interested in the position should ______.
A. make an appointment by telephone
B. come directly to the office
C. come and pass the test
D. have an interview directly with the personnel manager
[单项选择]A person who is constantly worried about the loss of ______ job is not likely to do very good work.
[单项选择]The person who started the idea of this organization was______.
A. Cross
B. Barton
C. Dunant
D. Morgan David
[单项选择]Marlin is a young man of independent thinking who is not about ______ compliments to his political leaders.
A. paying
B. having paid
C. to pay
D. to have paid
[单项选择]The person who is able to analyze defeat is likely______.
A. to achieve success
B. to be afraid of his defeat
C. to let a baby grasp a stick
D. to make a living
[单项选择]A fortune teller is a person who().
A. helps people to plan their future based on their character
B. tells people what he thinks will happen to them in the future
C. is capable of earning a large amount of money
D. answers questions concerning how to make a fortune
[单项选择]The person who should be in control of the project during project management planning is the ().
A. project manager
B. team member
C. functional manager
D. sponsor
[单项选择]The person who finally proved Fermat's Last Theorem is ______.
A. Simon Singh
B. Andrew Wiles
C. Pierre de Fermat
D. a French woman scientist
[单项选择]We describe a person who thinks he is important as______.
A. a big wig
B. a big wheel
C. a top banana
D. a kingpin
[单项选择]The person who finally proved Fermat' s Last Theorem is ______.
A. Simon Sigh
B. Andrew Wiles
C. Pierre de Fermat
D. a French woman scientist
[单项选择]A person who has final say in an international company is usually influential one.
A. a; the
B. the; an
C. the; the
D. a; an
[单项选择]In that country, a person who marries before legal age must have a parent's ______to obtain a license.
A. sanction
B. warrant
C. malignance
D. affirmation


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