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发布时间:2023-09-29 19:44:24

[单项选择]What kind of person would you say the old man was

更多"What kind of person would you say t"的相关试题:

[单项选择]What kind of man do you think Abraham Lincoln was
A. He was a kind and warm-hearted man.
B. He was the greatest president in the United States.
C. He was always ready to help his soldiers.
D. He was not only a president but also a doctor.
[单项选择]He is ______ kind an old man that all the children like him.
[单项选择]It is what you do rather than what you say ______ matters.
A. that
B. what
C. which
D. this
[单项选择]Stunned by what had happened, the old man stood rooted ______.
A. on the spot
B. to the spot
C. on the ground
D. to the ground
[单项选择]It is what you do rather than what you say ______matters.
A. what
B. when
C. that
D. how
[单项选择]What kind of man is least likely to get depressed when their child is born
A. Men in step-families.
B. Men not living with their partners.
C. Men in traditional families.
D. Men in non-traditional families.
[单项选择]What you say now is not ______ with what you said at yesterday's meeting.
A. consistent
B. constant
C. convenient
D. conventional
[单项选择]When a person sneeze, others would say "God bless you." It comes of which of the following beliefs
[单项选择]What you say now is not______ with what you said last week.
A. consistent
B. persistent
C. permanent
D. insistent
[单项选择]What you say now is not _________ with what you said last time.
A. insistent
B. consistent
C. persistent
D. resistant
[单项选择]What you say now is not __________ with what you said last week.
A. consistent
B. persistent
C. permanent
D. insistent
[简答题]What kind of knowledge do you need to have if you say you know a word?
[单项选择]When you are with an old man, you should do all except ______.
A. standing up when you have a talk with him
B. giving your seat to him on the bus
C. interrupting him if he talks too much
D. showing your respect to him
[单项选择]What you should say in your speech is entirely ______ you.
A. up to
B. owing to
C. due to
D. according to
[单项选择]What kind of person do you think the writer is
A. eccentric
B. modern
C. realistic
D. idealistic
[多项选择]What kind of information can you deduce from an IOS image file name?()
A. Distribution channel failures
B. Feature capabilities
C. Memory capacity needs
D. Hardware product platform
E. Programming language requirements
F. Run location and compression status
[单项选择]To communicate precisely what you want to say,you will frequently need to define key words.
A. 无论你想说什么,要做到简明扼要,关键就是要对词进行定义。
B. 只要定义频繁出现的关键词就能准确传达本意。
C. 要准确表达你的本意,就必须不断定义关键词。
D. 要简明扼要地表达本意,就必须不断定义关键词。
[单项选择]If you have physical handicaps, what kind of transit system can you use
A. Conventional transportation services.
B. Public transportation.
C. Suspended monorails.
D. All transit services which are accessible to the disabled.


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