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发布时间:2024-03-29 01:44:41

[单项选择]In that book, the ______ , songs, and riddles are presented in Chinese and English and handsomely illustrated by Ed Young.
A. versus
B. verses
C. versa
D. vice

更多"In that book, the ______ , songs, a"的相关试题:

[单项选择]In that book, the______, songs, and riddles are presented in Chinese and English and handsomely illustrated by Ed Young.
A. versus
B. verses
C. versa
D. vice
[单项选择]Robert Bums is remembered mainly for his songs written in the dialect on a variety of subjects.
A. England
B. Welsh
C. Scottish
D. Irish
[单项选择]According to the author, modern popular songs and published music are not considered folk music because ______.
[单项选择]The songs of Bob Dylan are very popular among young people, who regard him ______ other musicians.
A. as more superior than
B. as more superior to
C. as superior to
D. as superior than
[单项选择]Some people don't like the pop songs because they can't________ so much noise.
A. resist
B. sustain
C. tolerate
D. undergo
[单项选择](Many folk songs) were originated to accompany (manual) work (or to) mark a specific (ceremonies).
A. Many folk songs
B. manual
C. or to
D. ceremonies
[单项选择]Some old people don' t like pop songs because they can' t ______ so much noise.
A. resist
B. obtain
C. tolerate
D. understand
[单项选择]These melodious folk songs are generally ______ to Smith, a very important musician of the century.
A. devoted
B. contributed
C. composed
D. ascribed
[单项选择]Michael Jackson and his songs ______ are famous in the United States are also very popular in many other countries in the world.
A. who
B. that
C. which
D. those
[单项选择]______, work songs often exhibit the song culture of a people in a fundamental form.
A. They occur where they are
B. Occurring where
C. Wherever they occur
D. Where do they occur
[单项选择]Some folk songs have been ______ down from one generation to another.
A. sent
B. gone
C. come
D. passed
[单项选择]This is one of the most wonderful songs ______ I have ever heard.
A. which
B. that
C. what
D. then
[单项选择]—What do you think of the songs —In fact ______of them sounds beautiful.
A. not all
B. no one
C. not everyone
D. not every one
[单项选择]--What do you think of the songs --In fact ______ of them sounds beautiful.
A. not all
B. no one
C. not everyone
D. not every one
[单项选择]I don't like ______ of the songs. None of them sounds wonderful.


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