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发布时间:2023-10-22 16:14:04

[单项选择]As time went by, he gradually became ______ to the loss of his wife.
A. reconstituted
B. reconciled
C. recommended
D. reclaimed

更多"As time went by, he gradually becam"的相关试题:

[单项选择]As time went by, he gradually became ______ to the loss of his wife.
A. reconstituted
B. reconciled
C. recommended
D. reclaimed
[单项选择]He became aware that he had lost his audience since he had not been able to talk ______ around one topic.
A. coherently
B. initiatively
C. flexibly
D. pointedly
[单项选择]Jack became worried because he wanted to eat something.
[单项选择](As) time (went on), he suffered (such heavy) losses that he was forced (giving up) his business.
A. As
B. went on
C. such heavy
D. giving up
[单项选择]All his novels reveal that, as time went on, Mark Twain became increasingly ______.
A. prolific
B. artistic
C. optimistic
D. pessimistic
[单项选择]He became so hungry that he ______.
A. went to sleep
B. ate paper
C. went to the dinner-table
D. kept out of the way
[单项选择]As time went on, the theory she had stuck ______ correct.
A. proved
B. to proving
C. to proved
D. to prove
[单项选择]______ time went on, the teacher's words proved true.
A. As
B. While
C. With
D. When
[单项选择]When _____ why he was absent last time, he just stared at me and said nothing.
A. asked
B. to be asked
C. asking
D. was asked
[单项选择]He will surely finish the job on time if he ______ to do it in his own way.
A. is leaving
B. will leave
C. leaves
D. is left
[单项选择]But that he ______ short of money at the time. He would have come to help us.
A. had been
B. was
C. has been
D. would be
[单项选择]He ______ another career but, at the time, he didn't have enough money to attend graduate school.
A. might have chosen
B. might choose
C. had to choose
D. must have chosen
[单项选择]I could never spend the time that he does pouring over sports magazines, compiling intricate lists, and calculating averages.
A. delicate
B. incomprehensible
C. meaningless
D. complicated


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