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发布时间:2023-09-29 08:41:38

[单项选择]Please do not make a ______ any more. I can't fall asleep!

更多"Please do not make a ______ any mor"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Please join us. We can easily make ______ for one more at this table.
A. seat
B. place
C. room
D. space
[单项选择]W: Could you please make up this prescription(药方) for meM:______
[单项选择]Will you please make yourself ______ to everyone here
A. knowing
B. to know
C. known
D. know
[单项选择]We can't do any more now. Let's call it a ______.
A. day
B. halt
C. stop
D. night
[单项选择]______ do you think can do it
A. Whom
B. Who
C. Why
D. How.
[单项选择]You can do what you like, but I do not want you to be_________.
A. on the way
B. along the way
C. by the way
D. in the way
[单项选择]A smartest human mind can do mathematical problems ______ than a simple computer.
A. much slower
B. a little faster
C. much faster
D. a little slower
[单项选择]It is naive to expect that any society can resolve all the social problems it is faced with ______.
A. for long
B. in and out
C. once for all
D. by nature
[单项选择]_______changed: whatever men can do, women can also do.
A. Time has
B. Time have
C. Age has
D. Age have
[单项选择]______ of us can do everything, but all of us can do something.
A. Everyone
B. Any
C. None
D. Some
[单项选择]Smart dust sensors can do all the following EXCEPT ______.
A. giving troops their protective gear
B. organizing themselves into a computer network
C. detecting the movement of military vehicles nearby
D. operating in remote and dangerous War zones
[单项选择]We can do without luxuries and entertainment. However, food, shelter, and clothing are ______.
A. dependable
B. indispensable
C. optional
D. welcome
[单项选择]What we can do according to para.1
A. We could engineer the development of food crops and domesticated animals through selective breeding practices.
B. We could obtain rapid development.
C. We could change the life form of animal immediately.
D. We could live longer than before.


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