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发布时间:2024-01-05 21:30:16

[单项选择]Joseph is so brilliant that he always keeps some good ideas ______ his sleeve.
A. up
B. in
C. at
D. on

更多"Joseph is so brilliant that he alwa"的相关试题:

[单项选择]It is no good ______the cold fish. He always keeps a deaf ear to matters other than his.
A. to resort to
B. resorting to
C. resort to
D. resorted to
[单项选择]______ busy he is, he always finds some time to read every day.
A. No matter what
B. No matter how
C. No matter when
D. No matter where
[单项选择]He is always working()he can.
A. as hardly as
B. as hard as
C. so hardly as
D. so hard as
[单项选择]He always tells lies though he ______ honest.
A. feels
B. seems
C. looks
D. appears
[单项选择]He always()some time playing with his children, even when he is very tired.
A. takes
B. spends
C. uses
[单项选择]He said that he had()to do with the crime, so he should not be imprisoned.
A. nothing
B. anything
C. something
D. everything
[单项选择]If Tim keeps working hard like this, he'll______sooner or later.
A. break down
B. give up
C. get down
D. hold on
[单项选择]This door was always kept closed so that the strong odors of tobacco, cigarettes, cigars, and leather goods should not ______ into the sweet shop.
A. penetrate
B. diffuse
C. permeate
D. saturate
[单项选择]Tom's parents died when he was a child, so he was ______ by his relatives.
A. grown up
B. brought up
C. raised
D. fed up
[单项选择]He didn't want to see anybody, so he spent six hours ______ in the small room.
A. locked
B. to lock
C. locking
D. being locked
[单项选择]As he keeps himself to himself,he lives a lonely life.
A. 因为他把自己封闭起来,他过得很孤独。
B. 因为他不与人来往,他过得很寂寞。
C. 由于他自高自大,人们不与他来往。
D. 因为他把自己封锁起来,生活得很孤独。
[单项选择]He always ______ some time playing with his children, even when he is very tired.
[单项选择]His parents died when he was young so he was ______ by his aunt.
A. bred
B. fed up
C. brought up
D. grown up
[单项选择]He thought the painting was of little ______ so he let me have it for only $ 2.
A. cost
B. value
C. expense
D. price
[单项选择]He didn't ______ and so he failed the examination.
A. work enough hard
B. work hard enough
C. hard work enough
D. hard enough work


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