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发布时间:2023-09-30 13:45:30

[单项选择]Richard Cramer was awarded a Pulitzer Prize for his ______ on the effects of war on individuals in the Middle East.
A. commentary
B. communication
C. assertion
D. declaration

更多"Richard Cramer was awarded a Pulitz"的相关试题:


She was awarded a prize for the film.()

A. given
B. rewarded
C. sent
D. reminded
[单项选择]He will probably be awarded a Nobel Prize on account of his ______ achievements in chemistry.
A. high
B. worthwhile
C. outstanding
D. powerful
[单项选择]In 1954, ______ was awarded the Nobel Prize for literature for his "mastery of the art of modern narration".
A. T.S. Eliot
B. Ernest Hemingway
C. John Steinbeck
D. William Faulkner
[单项选择]She was{{U}} awarded{{/U}} a prize for the film.
A. given
B. rewarded
C. sent
D. reminded
[单项选择]Mario was awarded the medal for displaying professional ______ of the highest order in the rescue attempts two weeks ago.
A. solution
B. supervision
C. intelligence
D. competence
[单项选择]Which one of the following is awarded Employee Ownership in the 2002 Business Ethics Awards
A. Real Precision Manufacturing.
B. South Mountain.
C. Collins & Aikman.
D. Organic Valley.
[单项选择]William Golding won the Nobel Prize for Literature with his ______.
A. Lord of the Flies
B. The Power and the Glory
C. Lord Jim
D. Great Expectations
[单项选择]He brought off the first prize in the speech contest. Without your help, he ______.
A. would succeed
B. will succeed
C. would not succeed
D. would never have succeed
[单项选择]One of the Nobel Economics Prize winner once said: "Every leisure act has an economic {{U}}payoff{{/U}} for someone."
A. reward
B. loss
C. claim
D. disadvantage
[单项选择]When the crowd saw the prize-fighter stretched out on the canvas, shouts and cheers ______ from it.
A. broke up
B. broke forth
C. broke through
D. break upon
[单项选择]Sir John Sulston got a Nobel Prize for Medicine because he has ______.
A. found that human beings are similar to the worm
B. got the fact we share 40 percent of our genetic structure with the simple worm
C. found the computer which controls each of the cells in the human body
D. proved that cell death is programmed
[单项选择]The first writer in America to win the Nobel Prize in literature is ______.
A. Mark Twain
B. Jack London
C. Sinclair Lewis
D. Ernest Hemingway
[单项选择]Which is NOT included in the prize
A. Two return Business Class tickets.
B. A stay in any Hilton hotel in Asia Pacific.
C. A 4-night stay in a luxurious hotel.
D. US $ 1,000 shopping money.
[单项选择]The Water Prize is an international award that ______ outstanding contributions towards solving global water problems.
A. recognizes
B. requires
C. releases
D. relays
[单项选择]Which of the following was awarded for superior community involvement from all levels of the company
A. Reebok.
B. Home Depot Inc.
C. Bank of America.
D. Hewlett-Packard.


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