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发布时间:2023-10-02 01:48:30


The newspaper stories deliberately put down the actress's unattractive past.()

A. acted down
B. played down
C. wrote down
D. put down

更多"The newspaper stories deliberately "的相关试题:

[单项选择]The students put down their pens when the teacher ______ them to stop writing.
[单项选择]______put down the receiver when the telephone rang again.
A. Scarcely did she
B. Scarcely had she
C. Scarcely she
D. Scarcely she had
[单项选择]The policeman put down the phone, ______ with a smile on his face.
A. satisfied
B. satisfying
C. to be satisfied
D. having satisfied
[单项选择]The policeman put down the phone, _______ with a smile on his face.
A. satisfied
B. satisfying
C. to be satisfied
D. having satisfied
[单项选择]She put down her {{U}}skinny{{/U}} hand slowly.
A. smooth
B. long
C. bony
D. harsh
[单项选择]Put it down, Richard. You mustn't read ______letter.
[单项选择]Put it down, Richard. You mustn't read ______ letter.
[单项选择]W: This book is great. I can't put it down.M: ______
[单项选择]The advantage claimed for repeating fairy stories to young children is that it ______.
A. makes them come to terms with their fears
B. develops their power of memory
C. convinces them there is nothing to be afraid of
D. encourages them not tn have ridiculous beliefs
[单项选择]Some people dislike fairy stories because they feel that they ______.
A. tempt people to be cruel to children
B. show the primitive cruelty in children
C. lend themselves to undesirable experiments with children
D. increase a tendency to sadism in children
[单项选择]Professor White has written some short stories but he is known ______ for his plays.
A. the best
B. more
C. better
D. the more
[单项选择]If newspapermen cannot get facts for their stories, they sometimes ______ their imaginations.
A. bring out
B. break in
C. come through
D. draw on
[单项选择]The recordings differ from written stories in that ()
A. the tellers and the government are contributing together
B. the dialect, the low pitches, and the pauses are more revealing
C. the hearing and reading both help tell the stories
D. the power of watching someone write is more engaging
[单项选择]William Faulkner's stories reflect his Mississippi {{U}}upbringing{{/U}}.
A. education
B. cousins
C. visits
D. accent
[单项选择]The short stories often with surprise endings such as "The Gift of Magi" and "The Last Leaf" are written by ______.
A. O. Henry
B. Theodore Dreiser
C. William Faulkner
D. Jack London


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