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发布时间:2023-11-04 05:27:26

[单项选择]The hotel tries to meet the {{U}}diverse{{/U}} needs of its customers.
A. various
B. indifferent
C. many
D. typical

更多"The hotel tries to meet the {{U}}di"的相关试题:

[单项选择]The hotel tries to meet the {{U}}diverse{{/U}} needs of its customers.
A. various
B. indifferent
C. many
D. typical
[单项选择]The hotel tries to meet the diverse needs of its customers.
A. various
B. indifferent
C. many
D. typical
[单项选择]In the first paragraph, the writer tries to tell us that people ______.
A. easily accept certain things without a second thought
B. grow up through learning certain things in life
C. are forming their views during their growth
D. have strong beliefs in authorities while getting old
[单项选择]As an assistant in a shop, she tries to be {{U}}courteous{{/U}} at all times, even when she is very tired.
A. straightforward
B. polite
C. flexible
D. neat
[单项选择]She will be {{U}}pleased {{/U}}to meet you.
A. angry
B. happy
C. sad
D. unwilling
[单项选择]We must increase our {{U}}output{{/U}} to meet the demand of the market.
A. profit
B. export
C. interest
D. production
[单项选择]She will be very{{U}} pleased{{/U}} to meet you.
A. angry
B. happy
C. sad
D. unwilling
[单项选择]"It's been a {{U}}privilege{{/U}} to meet you, sir," the young man said to the artist as he was leaving.
A. a pleasure
B. an ambition
C. an honour
D. a sad occasion
[单项选择]According to the passage, trees were initially needed by the Nebraskan settlers for ______.
A. shade
B. the prevention of soil erosion
C. the creation of parks
D. construction
[单项选择]To encourage consumers to travel by train, DDB Needham emphasized ______.
A. the freedom and convenience provided on trains
B. the practical aspects of train travel
C. the adventurous aspects of train trips
D. the safety and cleanliness of train trips
[单项选择]Is there a dry cleaning service in this hotelI need to get my suit ______.
A. mending
B. mended
C. cleaning
D. cleaned
[单项选择]In an automated highway system, all the driver needs to do is ______.
A. keep in the right lane
B. wait to arrive at his destination
C. keep in constant touch with the computer center
D. inform the system of his destination by phone


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