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发布时间:2023-10-05 06:28:48

[单项选择]Emily Bronte was most famous for
A. Wuthering Heights
B. Jane Eyre
C. Oliver Twist
D. Paradise Lost

更多"Emily Bronte was most famous for"的相关试题:

[填空题]Charlotte Bronte and Emily Bronte are noted for their respective novel()and()which are largely the love stories of a woman for a man.
[单项选择]Emily Bronte was most famous for _____.
A. Wuthering Heights
B. Jane Eyre
C. Oliver Twist
D. Paradise Lost
[单项选择]D.H. Lawrence was famous most for his ______.
A. novels
B. dramas
C. poems
D. essays
[单项选择]Nathaniel Hawthorne was most famous for his
A. The Last of the Mohicans
B. The Adventures of Torn Sawyer
C. Moby Dick
D. Scarlet Letter
[单项选择]Most of the poems written by Emily Dickinson were().
A. lost
B. published during her lifetime
C. buried with her
D. published after her death
[单项选择]Daniel Defoe was most famous for his adventure story ______.
A. Robinson Crusoe
B. The Vicar of Wakefield
C. Treasure Island
D. Captain Singleton
[单项选择]The most famous Shoshone Indian was Sacagawea—the woman who {{U}}accompanied{{/U}} Lewis and Clark on their exploration of the upper Missouri River.
A. traveled with
B. argued with
C. defended
D. avoided
[填空题]The most famous alumnus of the college were invited to participate in the graduation ceremony and related activities scheduled for late May().
[单项选择]Which was one of the most famous political pamphlets written by Jonathan Swift
[单项选择]Ernest Hemingway is one of the most famous American novelists, short-stow writers and essayists, whose simple prose style in the works like ______ have influenced a wide range of writers.
[单项选择]Edgar Allan Poe was most famous for his poems and ______ stories.
A. short comic
B. long tragic
C. long detective
D. short grotesque
[单项选择]Washington Irving.s most famous book The Sketch book contains()
A. The Legend of Sleepy Hollow
B. Rip Van Winkle
C. A History of New York
D. Both A and B

Passage Two The lion may be the most famous of all the predators of Africa, but one of the most fascinating is the wild dog. Wild dogs are fairly small, averaging seventy pounds, with round, fanlike ears that look too big for their heads. They have shaggy brown coats with scattered patches of white. One of these animals by itself looks harmless or even comical. But when they band together, in packs of up to forty, the wild dogs become dangerous predators that tirelessly run down and kill animals that are many times their own size. Wild dogs have to be good hunters in order to feed their large families; a single female can have as many as sixteen pups at a time. But usually only one female in a pack breeds at a time, and all the pack members help to care for the young. At first, the pups feed on their mother’s milk. Then the other dogs begin to bring back meat from the kill, carrying it in their stomachs and throwing it up when the pups come running to them to beg for
A. remarkable
B. terrifying
C. important
D. insignificant


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