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发布时间:2023-10-10 04:07:51

[单项选择]Wesley Clark may gain a large number of voters' support in Virginia because

更多"Wesley Clark may gain a large numbe"的相关试题:

[单项选择]People in a large area may possess the same DNA thread because ______ .
A. DNA is characteristic of a region
B. they are of common ancestry
C. DNA has the ability to identify individuals
D. their unique identification can be provided via DNA
[单项选择]________ human behavior may be caused by eating substances that upset the delicate chenfical balance in the brain.
A. Deliberate
B. Consistent
C. Primitive
D. Abnormal
[单项选择]If you give a large book as a gift, it may show that______.
A. you enjoy reading
B. the receiver is interested in reading
C. you want to share with others a certain feeling or a newly learned meaning
D. you are probably more interested in the appearance of the book than in its contents
[单项选择]The voters were overwhelmingly against the candidate()proposals called for higher taxes.
A. who
B. whose
C. whom
D. which
[单项选择]The politician tried to convince the voters that he was the man for the job.
A. preach
B. persuade
C. confront
D. specify
[单项选择]Responding to voters' concern over crime, Congress passed a $30.2 billion anticrime bill, and ______ $6.9 billion for programs aimed at crime prevention.
A. abolished
B. accounted
C. accumulated
D. allotted
[单项选择]Research shows that many voters who haven't yet made up their minds are ______towards the Democrats.
A. sliding
B. transferring
C. skidding
D. tilting
[单项选择]The voters told the politician that he could ______ on their support in the next general elections.
A. expect
B. decide
C. count
D. doubt
[单项选择]Behind his large smiles and large cigars, his eyes often seemed to ______ regret.
A. teem with
B. brim with
C. come with
D. look with
[单项选择]According to Kim Clark, a Harvard Business School student should be______.
A. among the best students with honors
B. a strict business leader who is frank, honest and well principled
C. well aware of principles, and with good judgment and highly moral
D. frank, obedient and principled, together with good ethic sense
[单项选择]The author writes of the experiences of Jim Clark to demonstrate
A. the hardships a web pioneer must go through.
B. the plight in which Clark was caught.
C. the role failures positively play in revolutions.
D. the cooperation among dot-comers.
[单项选择]Why does the author mention Colonel Clark's expedition
[单项选择]Childhood memoirs often gain their poignancy through a sense of displacement: each lesson in experience is accompanied by a loss of-------.
A. (A) perspective
B. (B) innocence
C. (C) veracity
D. (D) pessimism
E. (E) probity


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