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发布时间:2023-09-30 05:39:26

[单项选择]Owing to no hotel to book, I have to ______ with my friend during my visit to Swiss.
A. lodge
B. entertain
C. register
D. fulfill

更多"Owing to no hotel to book, I have t"的相关试题:

[单项选择]I have not found my book yet. I'm not sure ______ I could have done with it.
A. why
B. where
C. whether
D. what
[单项选择]Perhaps I should not have done so, but I changed my mind about the new job even though I was ______ last week.
A. to be started
B. to have started
C. to have been starting
D. start
[单项选择]Tames: I think I'11 have a steak meal. Kelly: I'm not that hungry.()
A. What about you, Kelly
B. What's your idea, Kelly
C. What do you order
D. You order, Kelly.
[单项选择]I have made an appointment with him, but I'm afraid he'll ______.
A. fall out
B. fall over
C. fall through
D. fall off
[单项选择]—Do you mind if I use your English book —. I'm not using it now.
[单项选择]A: I'm afraid I have spilled some coffee on the tablecloth. B:().
A. Oh. don't worry about that.
B. You needn Pt apologize.
C. I feel sorry for that.
D. Oh. you shouldn't have done. that.
[单项选择]I'm sorry to have spent so much money. I wish you ______ so.
[单项选择]Can I have ______ I'm hungry.
[单项选择]A: I'm terribly sorry, Professor. Could I have an extra day or two for the assignment My computer broke down last night. B: ______.
[单项选择]I have just finished a book about a piano player ______ sole ambition in life was to perform for the pope.
[单项选择]Tommy: Mommy, When will we have dinner I'm starving.Mother: ______. We have to wait for daddy.
A. Soon, honey
B. Quickly, honey
C. OK, honey
D. All right, honey
[单项选择]Tommy: Mommy, when will we have dinner I'm starving. Mother: ______ We have to wait for daddy.
A. Soon, honey.
B. Quickly, honey.
C. OK, honey.
D. All right, honey.
[单项选择]Tommy:Mommy,when will we have dinner I'm starving. Mother:(). We have to wait for daddy.
A. Soon, honey
B. Quickly, honey
C. OK, honey
D. All right, honey
[单项选择]I have finished a large part of the book, the rest of which ______ more difficult to me.
A. is
B. are
C. was
D. were
[单项选择]A: I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have thrown your violin away. Why didn’t you tell me it was a birthdaypresent from your Dad B:_____ What’s done is done.
A. No problem.
B. Don’t worry.
C. That’s fine.
D. Forget it.


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