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发布时间:2023-10-13 12:31:13

[单项选择]Photojournalist Margaret White became famous for her {{U}}coverage{{/U}} of significant events during the Second World War.
A. baggage
B. orphanage
C. reportage
D. usage

更多"Photojournalist Margaret White beca"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Photojournalist Margaret White became famous for her {{U}}coverage{{/U}} of significant events during the Second World War.
A. baggage
B. orphanage
C. reportage
D. usage
[单项选择]Photojournalist Margaret Bourke-White became famous for her {{U}}coverage{{/U}} of significant events during the Second World War.
A. usage
B. camouflage
C. collage
D. reportage
[单项选择]Mother Teresa became famous for her hard work with ______ poor.
A. a
B. an
C. the
D. ~
[单项选择]Mark Twain became famous in ______.
A. Asia
B. the United States
C. Europe
D. Both B and C
[单项选择]Rebecca became famous for ______.
[单项选择]Conic Pratt soon became a famous actress by ______.
A. learning some lessons about the art of speaking
B. once playing her part in the "Blue Colored Moon"
C. successfully matching the most famous actors
D. acting a leading part with a most famous actor at that time
[单项选择]In the 1960s, ______ became world famous and turned their hometown of Liverpool into a place of pilgrimage.
A. the Beach Boys
B. the Rolling Stone
C. the Animals
D. the Beatles
[单项选择]Connie Pratt soon became a famous actress by______.
A. learning some lessons about the art of speaking
B. once playing her part in the "Blue Moon"
C. successfully matching the most famous actors
D. acting a leading part with a most famous actor at that time
[单项选择]Conie Pratt soon became a famous actress by ______.
A. learning some lessons about the art of speaking
B. once playing her part in the "Blue Colored Moon"
C. successfully matching the most famous actors
D. acting a leading part with a most famous actor at that time
[单项选择]He became quite overbearing and domineering once he had become accustomed to the shown to soldiers by the natives. He enjoyed his new sense of power.
A. ability
B. domesticity
C. deference
D. insolence
[单项选择]Mrs. White became a teacher in 1985. She ______ for twenty years by next summer.
A. will teach
B. will have taught
C. has been teaching
D. will have been taught
[单项选择]Mrs. White became a teacher in i985. She ______for twenty years by next summer.
A. will teach
B. would have taught
C. has been teaching
D. will have been teaching
[单项选择]______ is famous for his detective stories whose hero is Sherlock Holmes.
A. Conan Doyle
B. Agatha Christie
C. Dorothy Sayers
D. G. Chesterton
[单项选择]D.H. Lawrence was famous most for his ______.
A. novels
B. dramas
C. poems
D. essays
[单项选择]Everybody including the White Brothers ______ to have a holiday there.
A. wants
B. want
C. will want
D. do want


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