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发布时间:2023-10-23 12:25:18

[单项选择]Hardly () when a loud explosion was heard.
A. the train had started
B. the train had been started
C. had the train started
D. did the train start

更多"Hardly () when a loud explosion was"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Hardly ______ when a loud explosion was heard.
A. the train had started
B. the train had been started
C. had the train started
D. did the train start
[单项选择]Hardly()the home when the telephone rang.
A. did she arrive
B. she was going to arrive
C. she had arrived
D. had she arrived
[单项选择]The explosion occurred on the tanker when ______.
A. she was struck by lightning
B. two seamen were working
C. she was unloading her oil
D. the fog began to clear up
[单项选择]The boss could hardly ( ) his temper when he saw the state of his office.
A. hold onto
B. hold up
C. hold off
D. hold in
[单项选择]A user is reporting a loud grinding sound when the machine is powered on. The machine loadsinto windows and the user does not notice any performance issues. Which of the following is the MOST likely cause of the noise?()
A. Powersupplyfailure
B. BadHD
C. Badfan
D. FaultyCD-Rom
[单项选择]Hardly () the meeting room when the meeting began.
A. had I entered
B. I entered
C. did I enter
D. have I entered.
[单项选择]All children () a loud laugh when their father told them the funny story.
A. let off
B. let down
C. let out
D. let up
[单项选择]Hardly ______ when the accident happened.
A. he had gone
B. had he gone
C. he went
D. he has gone
[单项选择]All students ______ a loud laugh when professor Henry Mitchel told them the joke.
A. let off
B. let down
C. let out
D. let up
[单项选择]Hardly (he had) entered (the office) when he realized (that he had) (forgotten) his wallet.
A. he had
B. the office
C. that he had
D. forgotten
[单项选择]Hardly (would he arrive) at his office (when) his (phone calls) came in (rapid succession).
A. would he arrive
B. when
C. phone calls
D. rapid succession
[单项选择]Hardly ______ when the door suddenly closed.
A. they had arrived
B. they arrived
C. did they arrive
D. had they arrived
[单项选择]Hardly ______ when they ran toward it.
A. had the plane landed
B. did the plane land
C. the plane had landed
D. the plane landed
[单项选择]Hardly ______ entered the classroom when the bell began to ring.
A. he has
B. has he
C. he had
D. had he
[单项选择]Hardly ______ when it began to rain.
A. had he arrived
B. arrived he
C. he had arrived
D. did he arrive
[单项选择]Hardly ______ when the lights went out.
A. the performance had begun
B. had the performance begun
C. the performance began
D. did the performance begin


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