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发布时间:2023-11-19 22:31:57

[单项选择]According to the passage, foreign language students should not worry too much about making mistakes because ______.
A. native speakers, like foreign students, also try hard to learn their language
B. communication is the primary goal of language learning
C. native speakers will ignore their mistakes
D. everyone makes mistakes in speaking a strange language

更多"According to the passage, foreign l"的相关试题:

[单项选择]According to the passage' foreign language students should not worry too much about making mistakes because ______.
A. native speakers, like foreign students, also try hard to learn their language
B. communication is the primary goal of language learning
C. native speakers will ignore their mistakes
D. everyone makes mistakes in speaking a strange language
[单项选择]According to the passage, student researchers may have to change their research projects because
A. their budgets are too high
B. their original questions are too broad
C. their teachers do not give adequate advice
D. their time is very limited
[单项选择]According to this passage, a student who listens attentively and takes notes in class___________.
A. is all intelligent student
B. may not be an intelligent student
C. will not be a good student
D. will score better in exams
[单项选择]According to the passage, what do student researchers often learn when they discuss their work in class
[单项选择]According the passage, the housework often brings satisfaction to women ______.
A. who are very rich
B. who envy their neighbors
C. who work outside the home
D. who are dependent on their husbands
[单项选择]According to passage, Indian names were important because they ______.
A. described the character of a man
B. described the appearance of a man
C. were never used by other people
D. told us his profession
[单项选择]The dictionary is to the foreign language student ______ the tool is to the worker.
A. like
B. that
C. what
D. as if
[单项选择]According to this passage, to learn a foreign language would require one to ______.
A. do more activities
B. learn about a new culture
C. meet more people
D. need more names
[单项选择]According the passage we know that the two brothers ______.
A. got a large amount of money from their uncle
B. used to make a living by fishing and were quite rich
C. once lived in poverty
D. gave up the search for the sunken treasure after they had a try
[单项选择]According to passage, human beings can survive almost everywhere on Earth because ______.
A. they have developed advanced forms of transportation
B. they have learned how to process seawater for drinking
C. their body temperature can vary considerably
D. their shelters and clothing help them to adapt to the environment
[单项选择]According to the passage, language learners can reduce the number of their mistakes by ______.
A. asking native speakers for explanations
B. reading good books in the foreign language
C. comparing their speech with that of native speakers
D. paying no attention to them while speaking
[单项选择]According to tile passage, language learners can reduce the number of their mistakes by ______.
A. asking native speakers for explanations
B. reading good books in the foreign language
C. comparing their speech with that of native speakers
D. paying no attention to them while speaking
[单项选择]According to the passage, the language of primitive cultures was ______.
A. nonexistent
B. only spoken by Eskimo
C. simple-minded
D. elaborate and complicated
[单项选择]According to this passage, the English language might be used ______.
A. for only one reason that English is becoming an international language
B. mainly by people from the American continent and the European continent
C. as an official language in an international conference on the American culture
D. in science and technology as well as in cultural and historical studies of all countries
[单项选择]According to the passage, to argue that language alone determines the construction of sentiments and perceptions is
A. (A) self-evident given the process by which culture is transmitted from generation to generation
B. (B) antithetical to the theories of linguistic expressivists
C. (C) unpersuasive given the multi-faceted and aleatory nature of reality
D. (D) characteristic of most cultural essentialist writing
E. (E) the most common means of understanding how pre-linguistic subjects acquire culture
[单项选择]According to the passage,
A. the problem of student cheating has its roots in deeper problems
B. students do not cheat on essay tests
C. a change in the educational system will eliminate the need to cheat
D. punishment is an effective method of stopping cheating


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