发布时间:2023-11-15 21:53:29

[单项选择]The visitors here are greatly impressed by the fact that people from all walks of life are working hard for new Jiangsu.
A. 不填;a
B. 不填;the
C. the;a
D. the;the

更多"The visitors here are greatly impre"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Overseas visitors to Beijing are impressed by the cordial greeting of these volunteers about the city.
A. authentic
B. explicit
C. warm
D. transparent
[单项选择]They were obviously quite impressed by the arguments that the Chinese were advancing,
A. 他们对中国人提出的这些论点显然颇为赞同。
B. 他们对中国人正在前进的这种论点显然是赞同的。
C. 显然,他们深深知道, 中国人会作出这种进步的。
D. 显然,他们对中国人提出了这种争论而深有印象。
[单项选择]He impressed me as an honest man.
A. 他影响了我要做老实人。
B. 他给我的印象是个老实人。
C. 他认为我是个诚实人。
D. 他教育我做老实人。
[单项选择]The chairman was impressed by the consensus of their opinion, based on reports from various media.
A. controversy
B. resemblance
C. diversification
D. agreement
[单项选择]The author seems to be especially impressed by the fact that ______. ( )
A. Mason, a responsible citizen, resisted for so long the obligation to represent his state in politics
B. Mason, having so little political inclination, turned out to be such an influential statesman
C. Mason was willing to leave home and family for public service
D. Mason could be devoted family man and a statesman at the same time
[单项选择]He has impressed his employers considerably and ______ he is soon to be promoted.
A. eventually
B. yet
C. finally
D. accordingly
[单项选择]They were extremely impressed by him because he was ______ generous.
A. excessively
B. exceedingly
C. excessly
D. exceeding
[单项选择]He spoke confidently,()impressed me most.
A. so that
B. that
C. it
D. which
[单项选择]The author of the passage is impressed by Hong Kong's ______.
A. Ocean Park
B. skyscrapers
C. "street offices"
D. mix of old and new
[单项选择]What impressed the author most when he went to watch the lions in the Gir Forest
A. The lions were on the brink of extinction.
B. They were suffering from a fatal disease.
C. They allowed him to see their vitality and charm at close quarters.
D. Mother lion and her cub shared a deer.


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