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发布时间:2023-10-29 01:13:37

[单项选择]When a female elephant dies, other elephants would ______.
A. forget it quickly
B. carry the dead body with them
C. never stay with the dead body
D. take a bit of the dead body away sadly

更多"When a female elephant dies, other "的相关试题:

[单项选择]When a female elephant dies, the others ______.A. leave its dead body thereB. are tearfullC. take a bit of the dead body away sadly
[单项选择]As a female elephant dies, her daughters and her granddaughters will ______.
[单项选择]When a person dies, his debts must be paid before his ______ can be distributed.
A. paradoxes
B. legacies
C. platitudes
D. analogies
[单项选择]When Lloyd Nickson dies, he will ______.
A. face his death with calm characteristic of euthanasia
B. experience the suffering of a lung cancer patient
C. have an intense fear of terrible suffering
D. undergo a cooling off period of seven days
[单项选择]The electronic animal would die when ______.
A. it gets angry and refuses to be fed
B. it is continuously neglected by its owners
C. it is fed too many snacks
D. its owner refuses to play games with it
[单项选择]Which of the following would be included when documenting the MOST recent policy on corporatebehavior? ()
A. Page numbers
B. Author of the document
C. A complete table of contents
D. Last revision dates and version numbers
[单项选择]How did the other guests feel when the man was eating his peas with a knife
A. They thought it was nothing unusual.
B. They could not accept his way of eating.
C. They paid no attention to his behavior.
D. They believed his table manners were interesting.
[单项选择]She, on the other hand, when considering the situation, had a ______of danger and uttered a severe
A. forgery... culmination
B. covenant...fortitude
C. innuendo... castigation
D. premonition... admonition
[单项选择]What would Freud do when he was treating a patient

A. Give the patient a lot of advice.
B. Stop the patient if he began to talk nonsense.
C. Be a largely silent listener.
D. Never intervene while the patient was talking.
[单项选择]The first thing ______ I would do when I get America is to write to you.
A. which
B. that
C. as
D. what
[单项选择]How long ______ each other when they got married
A. had they known
B. have they known
C. would they know
D. did they know
[单项选择]They promised ______ each other when they went to work.
A. get in touch with
B. getting in touch with
C. to get in touch with
D. to get touch with
[单项选择]They usually ______ hello to each other when they meet togehter.
[单项选择]When troubleshooting ATM, which command would allow you to test reachability from one side of an ATM cloud to the other?()
A. ping atm vci 0.100 interface at-0/1/0 end-to-end
B. ping atm vci 0.100 interface at-0/1/0 circuit
C. ping atm vci 0.100 interface at-0/1/0 far-end
D. ping atm vci 0.100 interface at-0/1/0 final-hop
[单项选择]Kate and Lenny ________ and kissed each other when they met again after ten years.
A. clutched
B. grasped
C. embraced
D. compressed
[单项选择]"Thunder would shout loudly at Lightning when he was annoying the villagers and behaving in a wicked way. "That means ______.
[单项选择]Imagine my vexation when they said they would come to dinner and then didn't show.
A. enlightenment
B. astonishment
C. annoyance
D. contrariness


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