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发布时间:2024-01-18 07:48:39

[单项选择]We were just ______ calling you up ______ you came in, ______ was unexpected.
A. about; when; that
B. on the point of; as; as
C. on the point of; when; which
D. on the point of; as; as

更多"We were just ______ calling you up "的相关试题:

[单项选择]How can you free up the space of your digital camera
A. Get rid of your camera.
B. Copy the pictures to the computer.
C. Use a special computer.
D. Use more film.
[单项选择]I was just______of giving up______you came in.
A. at the point.., while
B. to the point.., as
C. in the point.., before
D. on the point.., when
[单项选择]--Jack just came to Beijing yesterday evening. Have you met him --().
A. Not at all
B. Not yet
C. No problem
[单项选择]We will do anything we can ______ you catch up with the others.
A. help
B. to help
C. helping
D. helped
[单项选择]—I'm sorry, I was out when you were calling me.
[单项选择]When Bob and his friends came, we()our supper then.
A. had
B. were having
C. have
D. are having
[单项选择]The question came up at the meeting ______ we had enough money for our re- search.
A. that
B. whether
C. what
D. which
[单项选择]A: You know who came yesterdayB: Yao Ming We had a football match.A: ______ He came and watched the game!
A. You guessed it!
B. How did you know that
C. Well done!
D. That was good news!
[单项选择]It ______ our teacher came that we began the examination.
A. was until
B. is until
C. was not until
D. is not until
[单项选择]The girl ______ Li Ping came to find you just now.
A. called
B. calling
C. to call
D. call
[单项选择]Since you have made up your mind, just go ahead. We will ______ you.
A. stand for
B. stand by
C. stand out
D. stand off
[单项选择]We ______ you came to visit our lab tomorrow.
A. had better
B. rather than
C. would rather
D. will rather
[单项选择]The student was just about to give up the question when suddenly Ne found the answer. [A] 他突然找到答案的时候,那个学生正要放弃这个问题。 [D] 那个学生准备放弃这个问题,因为他不清楚什么时候答案才能突然出现。 [C] 这学生正打算放弃这个问题,突然找到了答案。 [D] 由于不清楚他什么时候能找到答案,那个学生就放弃了这个问题。
[单项选择]We trust you; only you can ______ him to give up smoking.
A. suggest
B. attract
C. advise
D. persuade
[单项选择]We came into this field late, so we must work hard to ______ the lost time.
A. make up for
B. make out
C. keep up with
D. put up with


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