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发布时间:2023-10-11 15:30:06

[单项选择]If one has accepted a dinner invitation, what should he do if he is to be late for the dinner
A. He should find an excuse.
B. He should ask for excuse.
C. He should say "Sorry"
D. He should telephone to explain his being late.

更多"If one has accepted a dinner invita"的相关试题:

[单项选择]What is one measure the government has implemented to revitalize the economy
A. Streamlining the political bureaucracy.
B. Lowering the consumption tax.
C. Spending on the country’s social infrastructure.
D. Encourage companies to export their goods.
[单项选择]What should one do when one intends to learn how to communicate with others
[单项选择]What can one do if one is going to visit a Japanese in Tokyo
A. One can wait for him at the nearest railway station.
B. One can put on an advertisement to inform him.
C. One can look at the newspaper for his address.
D. One can ask him to draw or send a map.
[单项选择]When jogging, what should one not do with one' s eyes
[单项选择]He can hardly understand what the teacher has said,______.
A. nor shall I
B. neither can I
C. so do I
D. so I can
[单项选择]What is one trend attributed to technological innovation in media communication
A. science fiction
B. historical fiction
C. realism
D. news development
[单项选择]According to the conversation, what is one problem with ann exericse

[单项选择]What did one of the problem boy mentioned firstly do

[单项选择]What is one important attribute of the soy bean
A. It is a meat substitute.
B. It is often used for backyard decoration.
C. It is a complete milk substitute.
D. It is easily processed into flour at home.
[单项选择]What is one of the advantages of biometric technology
A. It better protects people’s privacy.
B. It helps people follow a healthy life style.
C. It is cheaper than traditional methods.
D. It identifies people more accurately
[单项选择]What is one approach to lecturing not mentioned in the passage
A. Give and dispute points of view
B. Provide a general overview of the textbook material
C. Give detailed information on one part of the general topic
D. Invite different view on the top at hand
[单项选择]According to the passage, what is one disadvantage of skyscrapers that have mirrored walls
A. The exterior surrounding air is heated.
B. The windows must be cleaned daily.
C. Construction time is increased.
D. Extra air-conditioning equipment is needed.
[单项选择]What is one suggestion to help save the condors


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