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发布时间:2024-02-04 23:24:59

[单项选择]The man had a ______ escape when he ran across the street in front of the bus.
A. close
B. good
C. narrow
D. fine

更多"The man had a ______ escape when he"的相关试题:

[单项选择]When he knew that he had passed the exam, he felt a great weight _____ off his mind.
A. taken
B. took
C. to take
D. taking
[单项选择]Then the man would be a ______ when he had cut the goose open and got all the eggs that were inside the goose.
A. rich man
B. poor man again
C. poorer man
D. richer man
[单项选择]He drove to the police when he had read the newspaper again.
[单项选择]When the man asked if he could pay by check, the assistant ______.
[单项选择]When the man asked ff he could pay by check, the assistant ______.
[单项选择]Only when he had done it ______ that he had made a mistake.
A. he then realized
B. did he realize
C. before he realized
D. he realized
[单项选择]When the captain knew he had been deceived, he ______.
A. told them not to do so again
B. lost his temper
C. made them work harder
D. fired them
[单项选择]He said he always felt ______ when he had to make a speech in public.
A. nerve
B. nervous
C. nervously
D. nervousness
[单项选择]This was that annoying day of the week when he had to get his kids to their gym class ______.
A. first thing in the morning
B. the first morning
C. at first in the morning
D. for the first of the morning
[单项选择]What does the man do when he finds five pounds toe much
A. He goes to see the boss immediately.
B. He gives the five pounds back to the boss.
C. He puts the money secretly in his pocket.
D. He says something about that to others.
[单项选择]What problem did the man have when he took his road test several years before

[单项选择]What does the man do when he finds five pounds too much
A. He goes to see the boss immediately.
B. He gives the five pounds back to the boss.
C. He puts the money secretly in his pocket.
D. He says something about that to others.
[单项选择]What does a man do when he cannot get exactly what he wants
A. He buys a similar thing of the colour he wants.
B. He usually does not buy anything.
C. At least two of his requirements must be met before he buys.
D. So long as the style is right, he buys the thing.
[单项选择]What does a man do when he can't get exactly what he wants
[单项选择]A boy told the police man that he had seen a man _______.
A. to get on a car and drive off
B. getting on a car and drove off
C. get on a car and drive off
D. get on a car and drove off
[单项选择]When he was a young man, he traveled about the world ______.
A. on its own
B. of its own
C. on his own
D. of his own
[单项选择]The old man repented that he ______idle when young.
A. has been
B. having been
C. had been
D. have been
[单项选择]When he realized he had been ______ to sign the contract by intrigue, he threatened to start legal proceedings to cancel the agreement.
A. elicited
B. excited
C. deduced
D. induced


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