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发布时间:2023-10-23 00:27:26

[单项选择]In addition to advising the school newspaper staff, Mr. Mathison also regularly ______ the junior class regarding community service opportunities.
A. (A) rallied against
B. (B) counseled
C. (C) argued with
D. (D) suppressed
E. (E) emulated

更多"In addition to advising the school "的相关试题:

[单项选择]In addition, teaching staff is willing to{{U}} {{/U}}extra help if a student needs.
A. providing
B. provide
C. provides
D. provided
[单项选择]The reason for Russia advising its citizens to leave Iraq is that ______.
[单项选择]We have pleasure in advising that a ( ) was established in your favour through Bank of China.
A. confirmed credit
B. contract
C. way bill
D. packing list
[单项选择]The oldest newspaper in Australia is
A. The Sydney Morning Herald.
B. The Australian.
C. The Australian Financial Review.
D. Geelong Advertiser.
[单项选择]But even notoriously conservative newspaper publishers recognize that the Web is a radical and _______ publishing medium.
A. vigorous
B. aggressive
C. violent
D. powerful
[单项选择]Why this otherwise excellent newspaper allows such an article to be printed is______me,
A. above
B. outside
C. beside
D. beyond
[单项选择]The newspaper reporter had several cars.
[单项选择]The most popular newspaper in Ireland is
A. The Irish Times.
B. The Irish Press.
C. The Irish Independent.
D. The Irish Daily.
[单项选择]The mass newspaper depended significantly more on advertising _________ than did their predecessors.
A. revenues
B. incomes
C. avenues
D. outcomes
[单项选择]The figures concerning newspaper circulation in Pennsylvania in 1829 are relevant because they ______.
A. explain why so many different periodicals were published
B. prove that weekly periodicals were more successful than daily papers
C. show the difference between reading habits before and after the Civil War
D. support the belief that Americans were enthusiastic readers of periodicals
[单项选择]Attending school-based after-school programs results in all of the following BUT
[单项选择]The newspaper stories deliberately put down the actress's unattractive past.( )
A. acted down
B. played down
C. wrote down
D. put down
[单项选择]In the newspaper they denounced the government for its ______ spending of public funds.
A. reckless
B. reluctant
C. reciprocal
D. redundant
[单项选择]Newspaper publishers in the united states have estimated ___________reads a newspaper every day.
A. nearly 80 percent of the adult population who
B. it is nearly 80 percent of the adult population
C. that nearly 80 percent of the adult population who
D. that nearly 80 percent of the adult population
[单项选择]Despite its efforts, the newspaper industry still cannot satisfy the readers owing to its______.
A. failure to realize its real problem
B. tendency to hire annoying reporters
C. likeliness to do inaccurate reporting
D. prejudice in matters of race and gender
[单项选择]This morning the newspaper had a very interesting () on the population problem.
A. composition
B. article
C. work
D. publication


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