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发布时间:2023-10-12 08:12:04

[单项选择]—Oh, Mary! You should do your work instead of sitting here watching TV. —______.

更多"—Oh, Mary! You should do your work "的相关试题:

[单项选择]( )you have finished your work, you are free to do what you like.
A. For now
B. Ever since
C. Now that
D. By now
[单项选择]—How are you geeing on with your work
—Oh,I'm sorry.Things aren't going so well as ______.
A. plans
B. planning
C. planned
D. to plan
[单项选择]______you have finished your work, you are free to do what you like.
A. Now that
B. Ever since
C. For now
D. By now
[单项选择]______ you have finished your work, you are free to do what you like.
A. For now
B. Ever since
C. Now that
D. By now
[单项选择]If you ______ finish your work now, you must finish it tomorrow.
[单项选择]In order to make your humor work, you should ______.
A. show sympathy for your listeners
B. address different problems to different people
C. make fun of the disorganized people
D. take advantage of different audience
[单项选择]To make your humor work, you should ______.
A. identify with your audience
B. make fun of the disorganized people
C. show sympathy for your listeners
D. take advantage of different audiences
[单项选择]______ your work in case you've made any mistakes.
A. Take care of
B. Ensure
C. Look out for
D. Check
[单项选择]The sooner you finish your work, ______ your will be able to go home.
A. earlier
B. the earlier
C. early
D. more early
[单项选择]Mary: I heard you've had your book published. Congratulations! Robert: ______
[单项选择]Unless you work hard you ______ your test.
A. will pass
B. will not pass
C. would pass
D. would not pass
[单项选择]I ______ you that if you finish your work, I will let you go.
A. allow
B. permit
C. suggest
D. promise
[单项选择]In no case are you to break your work to us.
A. 无论在什么情况下,你都不能为我们失去工作。
B. 无论在什么条件下,你都不能为我们失去工作。
C. 无论在什么条件下,您对我们也不能食言。
D. 无论在什么情况下,您对我们也不能食言。
[单项选择]Mary (after work): Shall I punch out for you, Juliet I’m leaving now.
Juliet: ______. I've to work overtime.


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