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发布时间:2023-11-13 23:40:26

[单项选择]Why are laws formed

更多"Why are laws formed"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Why are laws formed
[单项选择]Why didn't the state and local air pollution laws achieve the end of reducing pollution
[单项选择]Do Chinese laws ______ with any international laws
A. oppose
B. struggle
C. resist
D. conflict
[单项选择]How are icebergs formed
A. They break off from glaciers.
B. Seawater freezes.
C. Rivers freeze.
D. Small pieces of floating ice converge.
[单项选择]How is a blended family formed
A. A blended family is formed by two single-parent families.
B. A blended family is formed by a nuclear family and a grandparent.
C. A blended family is formed by a nuclear family and grandparents.
D. A blended family is formed by two fatherless families.
[单项选择]The majority of back-formed words are
A. nouns.
B. adjectives.
C. verbs.
D. adverbs.
[单项选择]The government is debating the education laws.
A. discussing
B. defeating
C. delaying
D. declining

There should be laws that prohibit smoking around children.()

A. forbid
B. advocate
C. inherit
D. withdraw
[单项选择]Laws that punish parents for their little children's actions against the laws get parents ______.
A. worried
B. to worry
C. worrying
D. worry
[单项选择]How does codification of the laws affect governmental agents
A. The law will be interpreted objectively rather than subjectively
B. Government agencies have to compromise with factual conditions
C. Occasionally, governmental agencies have to redress, correct or adapt a law for their benefit
D. laws can not be altered or modified but they can be incremented with new court decisions and also through jurisprudence
[单项选择]When enacting the prohibition laws, government officials assumed that ______.
A. every American would buy alcohol illegally
B. all criminal activities would cease
C. patrols of the Canadian border would halt the sale of alcohol
D. the social threat from drunkenness would decline
[单项选择]These compounds could not have been formed if the chemical reaction ______ stopped.
A. have been
B. has been
C. had been
D. were
[单项选择]Which of the following words is NOT formed through clipping
A. Dorm.
B. Motel.
C. Gent.
D. Zoo.
[单项选择]Caves are formed by the chemical or action mechanical of water on soluble A B rock, by volcanic activity, and by earthquakes. C D


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